Yes. I started getting them when the kids started school. The health plan at work covers them 100%, with no co-pay or deductible.
JoinedPosts by GLTirebiter
Do You Take Flu Shots?
by minimus ini never have.
i seldom get the "flu" and if i do, it usually happens after everyone else has gotten it.. i know of many people who regularly get the flu shot and they seem to always still get sick..
Is this a new low?
by Darth Eowyn injust had a couple of jws stop by my house.
they had been before several times and know that i'm a pretty devout catholic, so i'm sure they were just swinging by to get more time for the card.. well, this time the opening line was about the tragedy in ct. i mean, really?
you're going to try to get converts by capitalizing on this tragedy?
Really Catholics don't believe that we are in the "last days"? I don't thingk that is what the Vicar of Christ believes.
The Church teaches that the "last days" began at the time of the resurrection and Pentecost. They've been here for about 2000 years so far, and may last for a long time to come (if we sinful humans can just avoid screwing things up). The Church makes no predications about when the end will be, teaching that "Nobody knows the the Father alone."
One little "s" makes a huge difference: on one hand an age called "the last days," on the other a calendar square circled as "the last day." It's an important distinction.
Being a JW is like betting on a horse race-
by moshe inyou can win almost everytime, if you have insider information!
that is what the wt all but promises- you can cheat death and live forever in a paradise earth!
but you need inside information to win that race-- and you can only get it from the governing body - the meat in due season, is the equivalent to the horse race insider tip- it's like a sure bet folks!!.
But for 98% of them, the "place" payout is the best they can hope for. Only 144,000 have "win" tickets, and they're all sold out.
Believers and dinosaurs
by Christ Alone ini was curious to hear what other believers understand about dinosaurs.
i know we have a few young earth creationists here.
i wondered what you understand about dinosaurs and when they existed, as well as hear from those that believe dinosaurs lived millions of years ago and how it fits into the bible..
Non-literal interpretation of Genesis goes back to the earliest years of Christianity, long before knowledge of dinosaurs or evolution.
In all the sacred books, we should consider the eternal truths that are taught, the facts that are narrated, the future events that are predicted, and the precepts or counsels that are given. In the case of a narrative of events, the question arises as to whether everything must be taken according to the figurative sense only, or whether it must be expounded and defended also as a faithful record of what happened. No Christian will dare say that the narrative must not be taken in a figurative sense. For St. Paul says: “Now all these things that happened to them were symbolic." --Augustine of Hippo, The Literal Meaning of Genesis[highlight added]
My sister owes me 4000 dollars and wont pay up. Any ideas how I can get it back?
by usualusername ini dont need the cash but would love to hear your ideas.... .
uun .
*she is not a witness.
If you have a written contract, take her to small claims court.
That's the best advice I've seen here. It's a business transaction and should be dealt with in a businesslike manner: keep the emotions out, and just settle the account. Do check the small-claims process and dollar limits in your state, these vary.
Do you use a Nook or Kindle?
by sabastious ini am thinking about getting one.
do you use either?
would you like to give a review on the product?.
I love my Kindle! It is much easier to take with you than a stack of books.
If there aren't pages built into the ebook it will show the % of the book read.
On my Kindle (a basic black-and-white model) you can change the type size, but that also changes the number of pages in the book. That makes page numbers written into the text inaccurate, while the %-read display stays the same regardless of type size. That's good for those of us with aging eyes!
I really like how long a battery charge lasts (with the Wi-Fi disabled). A long multi-leg airplane ride is no problem, unlike the limited battery life on a laptop. The fancier models (with lighted color screens, etc.) may not do as well as the basic model when it comes to run-time.
If you get one, be sure to check out the selections at Project Gutenberg. They have many classics and out-of-coyright books available for electronic readers, free of charge.
What will you do to celebrate Oct 2 2014?
by jwfacts inlike most people reading this, i was convinced that by 2014 the new system would 'definitely' have been operating for at least a decade.
now that i know this is not going to be the case i am going to have to think of some way to recognise 100 years of wts let downs and failed predictions.
there is no point fretting over the past so i think it will be a good time to celebrate.
They may have closed up shop and moved to Wallkill by then.
The Bethel spies saw this thread. They're trying to get out of Brooklyn before the Vast Apostate Army launches the great tribulation!
JW tour bus crashes in Florida, with fatalities-
by moshe inmiami - a bus carrying 32 members of a church group hit a concrete overpass at miami international airport after the driver got lost, killing two elderly people on board and leaving three others critically injured, officials said saturday.. the large, white bus was too tall for the 8-foot-6-inch entrance to the arrivals area, said airport spokesman greg chin.
buses are supposed to go through the departures area, which has a higher ceiling, he said.. chin said the passengers told him they were part of a group of jehovah's witnesses headed to west palm beach.
police said in a news release that the group had chartered the bus to take them to a church convention there-.
Excerpt from Associated Press article in the Miami Herald:
The large, white bus was too tall for the 8-foot-6-inch entrance to the arrivals area, said airport spokesman Greg Chin. Buses are supposed to go through the departures area, which has a higher ceiling, he said.
Chin said passengers told him they were part of a group of Jehovah's Witnesses headed to West Palm Beach. Police said in a news release that the group had chartered the bus to take them to a church convention there.
The group was made up of congregation members of Sweetwater's Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, said Sweetwater Mayor Manny Maroño.
"This is a tragic accident that has affected many families, as well as, our Sweetwater family," Maroño said in a press release. "I am pursuing all avenues to get in touch with the appropriate persons to officially extend our help to the congregation and those who were hurt."
A phone number listed for the center in Sweetwater went unanswered.
At the airport, two large signs warn drivers of large vehicles not to pass beneath the concrete overpass. One attached to the top of the concrete barrier reads: "High Vehicle STOP Turn Left." The other, placed to the left of the driveway and several feet in front of the barrier, says all vehicles higher than the 8-foot-6 threshold must turn left.
Three people were at hospitals in critical condition. The other 27 surviving passengers were hurt, but their injuries were less extensive, authorities said.
One man died at the scene; the second died later at a hospital.
Who have you seen in concert?
by pontoon inmy short list; lynard skynard, beach boys, carole king, yes, doobie brothers, rod stewart, ringo starr.. all star band, styx, gordon lightfoot, moody blues.
can you tell i like the older stuff?.
Grateful Dead (once with the Godchauxs, once with Brent Mydland)
EmmyLou Harris (once with the Hot Band, once with the Nashville Ramblers)
Allison Krause (with Union Station)
Ricky Skaggs (with Kentucky Thunder)
Warren Zevon
Blood Transfusions - Truly a "Sin"?
by AGuest into the household of god, israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!.
you may have seen where i shared this before but my understanding is that it needs to be shared again... because there are those who will benefit.
i won't go into my usual tome... but only state: .
Where do JWs get the blood products they are willing to accept into their body?
When you follow the supply line back to the source, they get their blood products from blood donors. I am one of them. Blood transfusions are as far from sin as far could be; it is virtue rather than vice.
The holidays are often a difficult time for blood banks: people are busy, so fewer take the time to donate. If you are healthy enough and eligible to donate, please make an appointment to give the gift of life!