Mary- that is HOW, not WHEN.
Here's WHEN-
1 Corinthians 15:24- Then the end will come, when he
hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he
has destroyed all dominion, authority and power.
25- For he must reign until he has put all his enemies
under his feet.
26- The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
27-For He "has put everything under his feet." Now,
when it says that "everything" has been put under him,
IT IS CLEAR that this does not include God Himself, who
put everything under Christ.
[Gasp! Isn't JESUS one of the 3 'Almighty' Gods?]
28-When he has done this, then the Son himself will be
made subject to Him who put everything under him, so
that God may be all in all.
Where are the Tree 'Co-Equal' Fellow-Gods?
Where is the Nameless Ghost-God hiding?
There exists, as Jesus TOLD us- only ONE True God-
the ONE who GAVE him all power & authority...Jehovah
Mary:" So all the scriptures I quoted from the OT that says the earth will eventually die out are all just "poetic illustrations", yet somehow the ones you use that say the earth will be around forever are not?'re basing that on what, except your own personal biased opinion?"
Mad: "FOREVER" is a powerful word that MEANS ONLY forever. When Jesus says "Heaven & Earth will pass away", then in another account "SOONER would Heaven & Eart pass away", and idiot would understand.
I'm SHOCKED that you ignored MY question as to your viewpoint....nah- not really! If "Heaven and Earth" passing away WASN'T referring to the vile part of mankind and demons, but the LITERAL Heaven and Earth- where were God, Christ and Angels going to move to when HEAVEN is destroyed?
And that inheriting the Earth by those in Heaven WITH NO ONE ON IT, can work only in the dumbed-down mind of a churchoid; one who trusts church over God! Add to that the IGNORED details in Revelation showing there will STILL be people on the (new) Earth, and there is no QUESTION as to your arrogant Pretense & Deception.
Rich man and Lazarus illustration a "real life event"? So- YOU say they were ALREADY (1) Resurrected and (2) Judged....and Christ said that would take place in the Future!!!!
Oh who, oh WHO should I trust....Christ, or...........Holy Mother Mary?
I love playing these games; it just HEIGHTENS my love for God, Christ, the Truth, and my Brotherhood, when seeing the rotten fruit of CHURCHianity!
THANK you, Mary!