That They (Trinity) are burning billions alive...FOREVER? With worms that live forever gnawing on them?
Do any of you still believe in 'Hellfire'? heh
by theMadJW 277 Replies latest watchtower bible
I've never believed in hellfire.
Why would anyone believe in Hellfire? we are living in the 21st century here not the 1700's.
I am talking with MANY that do, believe it or not!
Nope. It's just another religious fear tactic used to control the masses and I am personally very happy that I have divested myself of all mythological superstition.
keyser soze
I prefer reality. But you can continue your oh so meaningful debate with the other Christians on the board over whose version of a fairy tale is more feasible.
^ +1
Never belived it and stopped beliving all together, the bible, soon after I left the BORG.
Never been happier.
Doesn't make sense to me.
hell no, it is a stupid question.
That is why of ALL the False Dogmas of ALL Religion- it is the most obscene...It's purpose was to scare people to church, and to control them.