The truth is condescending and offensive to you?
And if I assumed no-one here is lost who would I be fooling? Almost each individual has his own opinion and they can't all be right, can they?
"It is up to each human being to find the road they should walk, and most of them will do it without your *grand assistance.*"
Watch that blood pressure, alright. No kidding each person has to find "the raod" on their own. When did I say they needed my grand assistance? Is it wrong to offer help to people who want it? If you don't want my help can't help you can I? So why don't you stop going all haywire on me and find a topic where you fit in. Come back later in the month when you're not in such a bad mood.
And in case you didn't read my last posting I have started to discuss a topic already. But since you don't care it shouldn't interest you. I said it before, i guess you were too angry to pay attention; I answer specific questions. The "truth" alone is a little too vague.
"Your manner is offensive and not at all like the manner of Jesus"
MY manner is offensive and unlike the manner of Jesus? I'm happy you pointed that out since you seem to portray him quite accurately yourself. Calling people assholes is a common occurrence in the New Testament. Now tell me, what do you know about the manner of Jesus?
Obviously you've never read the story of Jesus because he was VERY OFFENSIVE. Why do you think the Jews crucified him? Because they wanted to decorate the cross?
And you are the one who can't seem to swollow your pride.
And there is a reason to put 'real' in front of truth. Because the only truth IS the 'real truth.' There a plenty of 'truths' that aren't true.
LDH I can't wait to be belittled in your next posting.