Thanks for hitting the nail on the head. A few years ago we bought a house that was NOT my first choice. WHY? Because it was "close to the HALL" !!!!
Like you I diligently prayed, & really thought I was being heard. I worked for hours late into MANY MANY nights making almost 90 new territory cards. I worked late into MANY nights trying SO hard to do the "ACCOUNTS" just the right way..uugghh. And then getting yelled at during the accts audit because I used my computer instead of doing it by hand ! uugghhhh
I once put a sticker of a radio station on my car's back window. One of the elders asked me why I didn't put Jehovah's name on my back window instead of a radio station. He insinuated I was ashamed to be a JW. Now I have 3 stickers on my back window & maybe he was right !