On the one hand you have to be at least very firm with toxic and destructive persons.
On the other hand they are (wilfully?) blind to their dysfunction.
A bit of a no-win situation?
On the one hand you have to be at least very firm with toxic and destructive persons.
On the other hand they are (wilfully?) blind to their dysfunction.
A bit of a no-win situation?
breaking this subject down into categories.
this is--obviously --only my opinion.
any offence caused is simply intentional.. .
Watchtower appointed hounder: "tell me how much you have in the bank and I'll tell you what you are worth".
the annual meeting of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will be in october 2014.. .. in november 2013, just after the last one they published this now famous statement in the 15th of november 2013 watchtower page 16 paragraph 17 says:.
"at that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.".
The Watchtower Sanhedrin has repeatedly been put on notice of their corruption, but believe firmly that the dumb sheeple have nowhere else to go.
First up, there are many better places.
Secondly, it is not "where else" but "whom else".
13 jul 2014. trottigy, on 12 jul 2014 - 9:25 pm, said:.
"yes, sadly it is only a matter of time before pedophilia and incest becomes an "alternative lifestyle".
it was true in parts of canaan and rome.
So these folks would like to put same sex relationships in the same category as incest?
Or suggest that those in such relationships would condone incest?
Maybe these upstanding religionists would care to answer three simple questions:
Is legalism apostasy?
Is moralism apostasy?
i was just looking over this list of wt lies http://hourglass2.com/historical/the-list/list7_03.htm and found the following, circa 1906, in the middle of a self-justification by ct russell about his ex-wife:.
by 1903 mrs. russell had laid by in bank a little sum of money which evidently was consecrated to the injury of her husband.
the opportune time for its use came, and with it she published a new kind of tract .. to misrepresent me, to slander me.
One wonders what William Henry Conley made of Russell and the direction he was taking the Watchtower.
(William Henry Conley was the first president of Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society, from 1881 to 1884)
i was just looking over this list of wt lies http://hourglass2.com/historical/the-list/list7_03.htm and found the following, circa 1906, in the middle of a self-justification by ct russell about his ex-wife:.
by 1903 mrs. russell had laid by in bank a little sum of money which evidently was consecrated to the injury of her husband.
the opportune time for its use came, and with it she published a new kind of tract .. to misrepresent me, to slander me.
Atlantis is on fire!
Oh dear, just when we thought the apostate Watchtower Organisation's foundations could not get any shakier...
It seems we are here looking at the father of Watchtower lies, chauvinism, and power mongering...
i`m just curious about the travel arrangements of the g.b.members when they travel overseas to conventions in europe , africa , australia , etc.. is their any verifiable documents /receipts etc.
that prove they stay in the most up market hotels , or fly first class in planes ?, being treated like v.i.p.`s ?.
no human being is exempt from the temptations of abusing his power or position of authourity , especially when big money is involved , and the g.b.
We need another high-level defection to get the inside scoop it seems...
Maybe GB fanatacism will once again push someone over the edge...
we all know jehovah's witnesses/gb through their approved publications teach to marry "only in the lord.".
well this is simply impossible for the rank and file.
they are not considered in jesus or part of his body which is exactly what that.
Of course the GB reckon that marrying "in the Watchtower religion" is the same as marrying "in the Lord".
Giving evidence that they have "seated themselves in the seat of Moses" as self-appointed pseudo-mediators between God and man.
we all know jehovah's witnesses/gb through their approved publications teach to marry "only in the lord.".
well this is simply impossible for the rank and file.
they are not considered in jesus or part of his body which is exactly what that.
if something terrible were to happen to the members of the current gb would you feel bad?.
Jesus said to their forefathers that they were from their father the devil.
Sanhedrin, Governing Body? One and the same. Including their destiny.
Promote/d apostate legalism and moralism.
Draw followers after themselves, and away from God and his son.
Outwardly righteous, but inwardly corrupt and evil.
Deny access to Kingdom (autonomy).
Obfuscate and truncate the liberating gospel of grace.