breaking this subject down into categories. this is--obviously --only my opinion. any offence caused is simply intentional.
in no particular order
high value to the wts: especially born-ins. but only if they are frail--and own their own home / cash assets on deposit. it is essential they leave everything to the society---yet be encouraged to stay at home as long as possible. minimum time spent in a care home: high drain on their resources.
very little value to the wts; noisy unruly kids at the meetings. nightmare out on the service. very little cash donations--especially if living on state benefits. best if left to fend for themselves--will most likely drift away or get disfellowshipped. ( probably not for the first time ) any kids will most likely have kids of their own by their mid teens. definitely not new world material.
could show good potential value:---provided they dont show any inclination towards higher education; must be willing to go pioneering as soon as they finish basic education. but must be discouraged from showing any interest in the above category.. excessive masturbation is highly likely---but if given sufficient counselling should be made to feel guilty--and therefore more easily controlled.
other categories to follow. feel free to join in.