*** w95 10/15 p. 31 Watch Out for Self-Righteousness! ***
Self-righteousness may also promote the view that if a Christian is undergoing many personal difficulties, he must be spiritually deficient.
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
*** w95 10/15 p. 31 Watch Out for Self-Righteousness! ***
Self-righteousness may also promote the view that if a Christian is undergoing many personal difficulties, he must be spiritually deficient.
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
*** w95 10/15 p. 30 Watch Out for Self-Righteousness! ***
How unpleasant it is to be in the company of someone who sets himself up as judge, always looking for faults, scrutinizing and policing everyone around him. Really, no one in the congregation has the authority to impose on others his opinions and self-made rules. (Romans 14:10-13) Balanced Christians realize that many aspects of daily life fall into the realm of personal decision. Especially must those who have a tendency to be perfectionists and demanding avoid judging others.
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
*** w95 10/15 p. 30 Watch Out for Self-Righteousness! ***
According to one Bible encyclopedia, a self-righteous person “considers himself either morally upright or in right standing with God because of his adherence to the letter of legal requirements without regard to their spirit.” Another work describes the self-righteous as “excessively religious people who spend all their time seeking out wickedness in others.”
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
*** w95 10/15 p. 29 Watch Out for Self-Righteousness! ***
What are some of the traits that we must “watch out” for? Self-righteous individuals usually “speak, and stand, and look as if they had never done a wrong,” explains the Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics. The self-righteous are also boastful and self-promoting, which was a major problem with the Pharisees.
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
*** w95 10/15 p. 29 Watch Out for Self-Righteousness! ***
Jesus voiced God’s rejection of the Pharisees: “You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you, when he said, ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’” (Matthew 15:7-9) Their righteousness was really self-righteousness. Understandably, Jesus warned his disciples: “Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees.” (Luke 12:1) Today, we too must “watch out” for self-righteousness or guard against becoming religious hypocrites.
In doing so, we should recognize that a person does not become self-righteous overnight. Rather, this tendency creeps in progressively over a period of time. Even inadvertently an individual can acquire the undesirable traits of the Pharisees.
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
*** w95 10/15 p. 29 Watch Out for Self-Righteousness! ***
IN THE first century, the Pharisees enjoyed the good reputation of being righteous worshipers of God. They were earnest students of the Scriptures and prayed frequently. Some people viewed them as being gentle and reasonable. Jewish historian Josephus wrote: “The Pharisees are affectionate to each other and cultivate harmonious relations with the community.” No wonder they were probably the most respected and highly regarded individuals in Jewish society at that time!
However, today the word “Pharisaic” and related terms are derogatory, synonymous with sanctimonious, self-righteous, holier-than-thou, overpious, and giving lip service. Why did the Pharisees lose their good name?
It was because, unlike most Jews, Jesus Christ was not deceived by the Pharisees’ outer appearance. He compared them to “whitewashed graves, which outwardly indeed appear beautiful but inside are full of dead men’s bones and of every sort of uncleanness.”
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
This article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.
Your thoughts?
Making faith equal to religion or religious belief is a religious lie.
Religious leaders use this lie to cover their theft of their followers' faith.
Almost no one in the Watchtower has received the free gift of faith.
Those that have, begin to see spiritual matters that others can't, and are soon booted out and shunned for being different.
i put doh onto lett.
see if it doesn't fit him just right.
the dubb is only fair, but its fun to do.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k13uxgtrya0.
Please keep them rolling.
okay, let's do a big what-if: suppose the gb for its own unfathomable reasons suddenly got new light (tm) and decided to start appointing women elders and ministerial servants.
they would, of course, refer to the examples of junia (apostle), and priscilla and phoebe (deaconesses in wordlyspeak) in the greek scriptures; never mind what mental somersaults it would take to get them there.
stranger things have happened in wt history.. that being the case, would having women in positions of real authority make any significant difference in the congos or in the borg as a whole, and why or why not?.
Women absolutely do not belong in (manmade) religion or religious hierarchies.
Why ruin one of God's best creations?
Women are mostly not naturally into power, control, authority, sectarianism, fundamentalism, legalism, moralism, hypocrisy, self-righteousness and works-righteousness.
Women are naturally into family, community, peace, unity, love and liberty.