The Watchtower is right - their religion is a snare and a racket, and should be prosecuted under the RICO Act.
JoinedPosts by Fernando
The Time Is Coming For Progressive Governments To Make Laws Against Oppressive Cults To Protect It's Citizens, Making Lawsuits More Plentiful Against Them
by frankiespeakin ini think as black&white thinking becomes lesser governments will start makeing laws that will put cults open for more lawsuits.
what do you think..
Are JEhovah's Witnesses reaching out to the Gay community ?
by Watchtower-Free in.
apostate & ex-jehovalarious meme collection.
Watchtower-Free, it seems from this post that the quality of your work fools even exJWs.
I wonder what would happen if it got into the wrong I mean right hands...
will the jw logo become a flag?
by losingit inwith the unveiling of the new jw logo, and all of the emphasis placed on it , will the borg dare to put it on a flag?
i hope they do!
imagine all whom would wake up with such an act!
Surely some pretend sycophant somewhere can sell this lovely idea to the GB...
Your "Things That Make You Go Hmmm?" List
by FlyingHighNow ini'll wager that the number is close to 100 percent.
what number?
the number of jws who have lists--lists of things that make them go hmmm or even wha'???
Wow that was very revealing and cathartic - I didn't realise just how long the list was before the tipping point was reached - ouch - and thank you for a great thread FHN.
I had also managed to forget that their was so much darkness and error I was aware of even prior to the lights coming on fully.
Very interesting and potentially useful concept for helping loved ones. I believe you are right about 100% (of JWs having such a hidden or secret list).
Your "Things That Make You Go Hmmm?" List
by FlyingHighNow ini'll wager that the number is close to 100 percent.
what number?
the number of jws who have lists--lists of things that make them go hmmm or even wha'???
From oldest to most recent (all own personal observations - not influenced by outside sources):
- The generation teaching
- Un-theocratic elders
- Self-willed elders
- Elder fiefdoms
- Older but still very immature elders
- Cover-ups (rape, incest, fraud, slander - all in my own extended family)
- Blood doctrine (OK to use parts of donated blood, but not OK to donate)
- Irrational fear of df'd persons
- Incompetence of elders, especially in dealing with real problems
- Blatant translation errors to support wt dogma
- Ruling religious clergy class and hierarchy in the wt org, plus the creation, exploitation and oppression of a "laity class" of "dumb sheeple"
- Incongruence - CO: "if it is not in harmony with divine teaching it is teaching of demons" versus elderette: "it is better to be wrong with the society than right on your own" (meaning that it is better to eat at the table of demons with the society than at God's table on your own)
- Inconsistencies and errors especially between the usage/application and definition of key terms: prophet, prophecy, apostasy, the gospel, faith
- Confusing and conflating "belief" with "faith"
- Organised theft of spirituality and faith
- Spurious and unbiblical terms: faithS and gospelS
- Spiritual blindness, confusion, inebriation, and insanity of elders
- Literal 144,000
- Jesus is not our mediator
- Never once in the NT does the term "the anointed" refer to humans, but is always correctly translated as "ho Kristos" or "the Christ" even in the badly mangled NWT.
- FDS = human clergy class = the anointed = represented by GB (but GB actually ignores them)
- WBTS Organisation, GB (Sanhedrin) and Elders (Pharisees) as pseudo-mediators or VISIBLE golden calf
- Wt "two hopes" versus Bible's "one hope" (spurious and unbiblical two class system of believers)
- The opposite trajectories of the gospel in print in the wt library, and the gospel as actually taught and believed as reflected by what is actually in the hearts and on the lips of wt followers
- The opposite trajectories of "religion" and the "gospel"
- Elder's ignorance of, fear of, and contempt for, the liberating gospel of grace - the tipping point and last straw (especially the denial of "imputed righteousness" and "imputed holiness")
- Wt revisionist cover-up of previous teaching that all religion is a snare and a racket
inactive ones going back...
by monis1 ini have quite a big group of friends who were all in the cong together when we were teens.
about 75% of them stopped going or were df'd right after high school.
it is a varied group; a couple are staunch apostates, some dont care one way or another, and another handfull are fully "worldly", but still believe it is the truth.
Totally cured and innoculated against my former addiction to the Supremacist Apostate Doomsday Cult and its inane apostate ruling religious clergy class...
Has anybody meet anyone on here who they knew as a JW. Experiences please
by joe134cd ini'm just curious but has anybody meet some one on jehovahwitness-net who they knew in their jw lives.
just want to hear experiences.
please include the indicators that led up to you identifying each other, and how you eventually revealed yourself.
Only one, because this person does not post anonymously.
I'm sure there are more, but will likely only find out if and when I post with my photo, name, and/or congregation list (or if they do the same).
This is of course a great time to thank the many persons who like Paul Grundy model a way in which we can be totally open despite the consequences. Now if we all did that...
Do you think that the Jehovahs Witness religion would be better /worse if their were an equal number of male/female on the G.B.?
by smiddy inof course this is a hypothetical question , it will never happen .?
but what if it did , what do you think the society would be like if it did happen .?.
let your imaginations run wild .
Personally I believe women should not allow themselves to be compromised and denigrated by becoming part of the apostate ruling religious clergy class and hierarchy.
The Watchtower 11/15/2014
by wifibandit in
select "premium download".
(thanks breakfast of champions).
I was happy to finally understand the Watchtower Organisation "simply" as a "Scaremongering Apostate Supremacist Doomsday Cult" but have just been stunned speechless by the JWFacts table on the 1260 days lunacy...
Thank you all the same Paul for your generous efforts, and sacrifices, on behalf of all ex, and all would-be, followers of the corrupt but exceedingly lame and irrelevant Watchtower.
The GB it seems to me are dealing with their fear of irrelevance and exposure by promoting a fear-based siege mentality in their followers too.
Would it be too much to hope that "the end is near" for the Watchtower, and that liberation or "the beginning is near" for its followers?
Some good books to read?
by thedepressedsoul ini just finished crysis of a conscience and all i have to say is wow!
showed how they sadly look for doctrine changes to fit their agenda vs what the bible says.
any new light or changes i'll be wondering the real motive behind them.
From a Spiritual But Not Religious (SBNR) perspective I've enjoyed and benefitted from:
"What is the gospel?" by Greg Gilbert
"The Explicit gospel" by Matt Chandler
"The King Jesus gospel" by Scot McKnight
"The Lost Message of Jesus" by Steve Chalke
"The Mystery of Christ" (and why we don't get it) by Robert Farrar Capon
"Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola and George Barna
"Christless Christianity" by Michael Horton
"Pharisectomy" by Peter Haas (on "How to Joyfully Remove Your Inner Pharisee and Other Religiously Transmitted Diseases")
"Christianity is Not Religion" by James Fowler
"Soul Rape" by Shean Smith