@keyser soze
According to Romans, none is more or less worthy of receiving revelation.
Personally I believe revelation can and should be commonplace.
How much information would you share with (reveal to) someone who ignored you and your message?
The same with our creator.
When we give time, energy, and money to religion we not only ignore, but also offend our creator.
His message is not religion.
As some interpret Karl Barth: "the revelation of God is the abolition of religion" and "religion is unbelief".
Our creator's message/plan/map has several names: the gospel, the good message, the good news, the evangel, the sacred secret, glad tidings, bissar (Hebrew), injil/injeel (Arabic/Urdu), Evangelium (Latin), and Euagellion/Evangelion (Greek).
Pursuit of this message/plan/map (instead of religion) is game changing, and the door to (commonplace) revelation.
Best wishes on life's journey.