LOL Sanchy, Bernie Sanders...
A 2013 survey by the Barna group found that 86% of Christians in the USA have attitudes and/or actions that are more like the Pharisees (conservative) than like Jesus (liberal).
In the book "Spirit Level" researchers Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett show significant correlation between the level of income inequality and health/social problems or dysfunction when comparing countries and states.
On one chart of 20 leading nations, the USA (which by some estimates has around 60% church attendance) has the highest inequality and dysfunction. On the same chart Norway (which by some estimates has around 3% church attendance) has one of the lowest levels of inequality and dysfunction.
The 3 worst states in the USA?
All in the Bible belt: Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama.
The 4 best states in the USA?
All not in the Bible belt: New Hampshire, Minnesota, North Dakota and Vermont.
More research on the above may be needed but indications are that conservatism fails to deliver what it promises, and is instead very unhealthy.
Sexual abuse of young boys by "celibate" priests is one of many snapshots of this failure.
And what about the pedophilia, rape, and fraud in "God's clean organization", all of which our family has personally experienced - firsthand? Oh, and by the way, the perpetrators are at this very moment still serving (themselves) as elders (Pharisees) in good standing with "God's clean organization" as emissaries of the Governing Body (Sanhedrin or council of Popes).