The absurdity of this just hit me hard:
So if a man can ensure that his victim does not scream he is not guilty of rape.
To describe these religionists as retarded would be far too kind.
by rebecca haines.
august 12.
photo/ rebecca haines ariel "arrie" wilson is now moved into her new home in topeka, kan., with her husband and daughter where she will pursue her law degree at washburn law school.
The absurdity of this just hit me hard:
So if a man can ensure that his victim does not scream he is not guilty of rape.
To describe these religionists as retarded would be far too kind.
as i am typing this post i am constantly looking over my shoulder to see if anybody is at my bedroom door lol guys i know i am stuck in a a cult.
but this s*** is f****** crazy!!!!.
w13 11/15 p.16 par.17 -- " at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
So that you could understand and avoid cults.
Congrats on waking up young, and I hope you get to make the most of the rest of your precious life.
orange county lawsuit alleges sex abuse by jehovah's witness leadertwo men said they were abused in laguna hills as teenagers.. .
by eric hartley / staff writer.
published: aug. 27, 2014 updated: 7:44 p.m.. two men who say they were molested as teenagers by a jehovahs witness church leader in south orange county filed a lawsuit against him and the church this week.
The Watchtower organisation's favourite most hated religion, the RCC, is by comparison far more open, contrite, and cooperative with authorities.
I seem to remember reading about senior RCC figures identifying key issues, such as clericalism, as being responsible.
been out now for 10 yrs but life is a mess.
starting to think its because i have no spiritual compass.
why shouldn't i consider going back?.
Religion, especially the high control group version, is specifically designed to prevent "dealing direct" and the "activation of our spiritual compass" which results.
On the other hand, the liberating gospel message, as encapsulated in the 5-solas, is a powerful map that anyone can find and follow, with a dramatic transformation.
To be able to steal our faith and salvation, religion offers seductive "sweetners" like (dysfunctional) community and "fellowship", until of course one begins to think, reason, doubt, or question.
it's funny how my mind works since walking out of the hall just a bit over a year ago.
for some reason i just can't seem to bring myself to go to the site.
i find it just to painful.
Personally I quite enjoy unearthing "the truth of the Good News" from their own publications, especially the Watchtower library ( online ).
It is their meetings I see no reason to go to ever again. Nauseating mindless propaganda to subvert the liberating gospel, faith and spirituality.
i've been lurking here off and on for a few years, figured i would introduce myself and share the clif notes version of my story.. i'm in my late 30's and was born in.
mom was a jw, dad wasn't.
got baptized in my teens and started dating my eventual wife.
Welcome Ben!
What Rufus T. Firefly said: "Personally, I've learned that people only pay attention to what they discover for themselves."
Over the years, others too have observed, that simple well crafted questions work best.
Telling others what to believe is a big no-no, most especially those who have not yet figured out they are trapped in a cult. It seems there is no point in ruining perfectly good relationships in this way.
1- pray to god (whomever you may imagine him to be) asking for understanding.
2- study the background about the bible (from non-religious sources) to see where it came from.
3- discard (or at least set aside) chuyrch claims and dogma.. 4- read it, looking up archaeological/historical sources about the places and peoples referred to.
Heaven forbid BluePill2!
Judeo-Christian-Muslim scriptures do not speak of faithS, but rather "one faith".
Religionists having stolen our faith, seek to hide this by conflating faith with religion, whereas the two are opposite and incompatible.
Religion is established by killing (in one way or another) the competitors unless they convert. This is the sordid history of thousands of years.
On the other hand, faith, which emanates from the God of Abraham, unites Christians, Jews and Muslims. This is the future.
This is not achieved by converting to one of these so-called "Abrahamic religions".
Faith simply and powerfully destroys the sectarian walls that divide (and conquer) us.
the subject of and its tentacles reaching everywhere has already been discussed at length; however, jw kith and kin are going gangbusters on social media.
i lost it when i saw da vinci's most famous lady wearing a button as a brooch.
in hand, she had a tract, which i assumed had not yet been perused (she was distracted, apparently, while posing for the real master).. my dear and otherwise studious jws -- many very good at preaching and in human relations -- are obeying wt directives and just handing out the tracts in service and advertising up a storm on the internet.
has anyone ever met any members of this group?.
i met a lovely lady who was telling me all about it.. apparently everything in the bible is literal, and it rather disconcerted me just how much i rememberd if it all.. everytime i asked do you mean that everything is literally true, apparently it is so..... she is a genuineky sincere, well meaning lady, and had a lovely time telling me all about it!.
Whilst I do not know the "Torah Keepers" their name suggests they believe keeping the Law is a means of pleasing God and earning his favour.
Well, how did that work out for the Pharisees that did this meticulously, even building an additional fence around the Law?
(Matthew 23:23, 24) . . .“Woe to YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because YOU give the tenth of the mint and the dill and the cumin, but YOU have disregarded the weightier matters of the Law, namely, justice and mercy and faithfulness. These things it was binding to do, yet not to disregard the other things. Blind guides, who strain out the gnat but gulp down the camel!
*** w80 5/1 p. 5 Learning from an Experiment That Failed *** (Possibly by Ray Franz)
THROUGHOUT history there have been numerous attempts to influence people toward a more righteous way of life. One such experiment was made by the Pharisees, a group that receives considerable attention in the inspired Christian Greek Scriptures. Their experiment failed.
how did a proven "fake," "phony" arrangement [like "governing body" arrangement]...become the "faithful & discreet slave" arrangement???.
so then if it can be proven, the "governing body" term and arrangement is a farce, a fake, a made-up nonscriptural arrangement itself, (made up and concocted by nathan knorr & frederick franz in 1944) then how can this fake arrangement now suddenly become the "faithful & discreet slave" that jesus spoke of?
Actually, if you will allow, I might suggest that the GB is not a phony arrangement, but a duplicate of the Sanhedrin, and under the same evil power and authority.
What is false, is claiming that the apostles in Jerusalem operated a GB, and that the WBTS GB is based thereon.
In the case of the circumcision issue, those in Jerusalem, were not the solution, but the problem (at least initially).