Oops, I just did...
Sorry you still have to put up with this for now.
i'm just bored.
i'm currently (right now) running a mic up and down the aisles, recognising the faulty logic, one line platitudes, and indoctrination techniques.
i like posting while on active duty.
Oops, I just did...
Sorry you still have to put up with this for now.
brothers would full on laugh at the c.o's lame jokes.
fight over who gets him for dinner where no expense would be speared..."oh they dont eat flour, sugars or milk products...".
Hello AuntCO...
Welcome Smart.
yesterday, my wife was getting ready for the kh and told the kids that they had to get ready too.
i figured, oh well, they're heading to the hall at least i can get the time i need to catch up on some house work and what not.
before i know it, the wife gave up and allowed the kids to stay.
That sounded like a well-balanced conversation with your children.
I wonder what your wife's thoughts would be on these terms:
"Abrahamic religions" (435,000 hits on Google)
"Abrahamic faiths" (240,000 hits on Google)
Yup, like JWs, they all claim to believe in and worship the God of Abraham.
Yet the majority, just like the JWs, know little or nothing about the God of Abraham's message to every one of us (the gospel/bissar/injeel/injil).
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein
Physicist Michio Kaku also speaks of our "stupidity index".
I believe it is, since I have personally witnessed a seemingly similar demonstration, as in the YouTube videos one finds when searching YouTube for:
magnet copper pipe
i just wondering how this vile term came to be used in constant referral to the org, i really, really hate it!
it's only since coming out that i have realised how much the jdubs use it.
everything is the truth this and the truth that.
Oddly enough though it is possible to trawl through the apostate Watchtower library for a surprising array of fragments of the liberating gospel message. It is as if there are opposing factions in the cult.
*** w79 12/15 pp. 5-6 How Powerful Is The Good News? ***
This “good news” is primarily the message that salvation or everlasting life is possible on the basis of genuine faith in the atoning benefits of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, and that God’s kingdom by Christ will bring all things on earth into perfect unity with the holy heavens.
*** w11 6/15 p. 7 par. 3 There Is Good News That All Need ***
Could it be, though, that we might give little attention to a key aspect of the good news that people need? In the letter to the Romans, the apostle Paul used the word “kingdom” only once, but he used the expression “good news” 12 times. (Read Romans 14:17.) What aspect of the good news did Paul refer to so often in that book? Why is that particular good news vital? And why should we keep it in mind as we preach “the good news of God” to people in our territory?
*** w11 6/15 p. 14 par. 13 God Recommends His Love to Us ***
It is not that God owed it to the apostles and others to apply the ransom because they had performed certain good works. Instead, God applied the ransom in their behalf out of his mercy and great love. He chose to acquit the apostles and others of the judgment against them, viewing them as absolved of inherited guilt. Paul made that plain: “By this undeserved kindness, indeed, you have been saved through faith; and this not owing to you, it is God’s gift.”—Eph. 2:8
i just wondering how this vile term came to be used in constant referral to the org, i really, really hate it!
it's only since coming out that i have realised how much the jdubs use it.
everything is the truth this and the truth that.
Borrowed from scripture and then twisted beyond recognition to support a doomsday cult.
The term "the truth" appears 85 times in the NWT. 72 of these occurrences are in the NT.
In the NT "the truth" refers to a person (Jesus) and the detailed liberating message (gospel) about him.
"The truth" in scripture is the very opposite of what the apostate Watchtower ruling religious clergy class actively promote: legalism, moralism, ethnocentrism, clericalism and magisterium.
page 539 is of interest to us .... also in the back beside c.t.
russell's name.
very difficult book to find:.
Thank you for sharing.
this is a dangerouse thread.
i dont want to damage the reputation of great people, unless there is evidence to refute " who they claim to be".. so how about a list of " great" people that may be imposters.. one:-elie wiesel: the most famouse holocaust survivor.
nobel peace prize winner amoung his thosands of humanitarian awards.
What imposters forget about our messiah complex is the pariah part which naturally follows...