Brothers would full on laugh at the C.O's lame jokes. Fight over who gets him for dinner where no expense would be speared..."oh they dont eat flour, sugars or milk products..."
Circuit Oversears treated like gods...did this happen in your Hall!!!
by Witness 007 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I depended...some weren't well liked and had little influence. In the last 2 circuits I was in, the elders had the power and the COs stood by and said they couldn't do anything, the elders had the control.
It was hard to find anyone wanting to provide meals at noon with all the detailed dietary requirements of the CO and his wife. Most sisters had full-time jobs and could not take the time off and then listen to their complaints.
Also, every 3 years the local CO suckups would start again thinking the CO did not know their situation from the last CO. The COs knew this game and were not swayed. It takes 2 to play that game, local brother and the CO. I saw many COs refuse to play the game.
COs are individuals just like everyone at the KH.
My wife and I took a CO and his wife out to dinner to Japanese restaurant, which they suggested. When looked at the menu, I got something cheap.
When the bill came, I made them pay for their own. They are supposed to be examples in simple cheap living, but the examples never are.
Early in the Elder arrangement (1970s) there was a form for the Elders to fill out about the COs visit and send it to Bethel, that shifted the balance of power. The local BOEs could get even and engage in other petty stuff- (no new dress shirts or suits when a CO requested clothing- my brother pulled that power trip on a CO). My brother and his BOEs were particularly cruel to a black CO who served our area for a few years.
Most (not all), of the CO's I had the misfortune to meet were arrogant bullies. Full of their own self importance and company men.
They are scrounging filth who don't have a proper job. They live off the backs of the R&F and many show no gratitude.
They area type of paid clergy class but are often vile individuals.
The dietry requirements of the CO's & their wives became more & more bizarre & burdensome on those trying to feed them. It was difficult to find lunch providers or someone willling to have them stay with them for the CO visit when I was still in.
A new trend was for them to slink off to their circuit flat after the Sunday morning meeting rather than go out in the FS in the afternoon, the only time some jws had to available for FS.
When I was 15 years of age, after enduring a very negative lunch with the CO and his wife at my parents' house, I made the following statement to the CO:
"You and your wife, get the f&ck out of our house."
They did what they were told. I got a beating for it but it's one of those moments I'll never forget, or regret.
From MY experience YES, the CO that came to my Hall was always teated very well, such as taken out to the best restaurants in town
and put up usually at the PO house which had out door pool etc. and the PO drove either a Mercedes or a Cadillac.
One thing that I remember is that most of the elders in my Hall were rich men or the richest in the congregation $$$
Nope. But ours was always looked on as a rebel congregation, one C.O told us his predecessor had told him that many C.O's were almost afraid to visit us !
The reason was the whole body of Elders almost to a man were appointed in the "liberal" '70's when C.O's were looked upon as just another elder.
One of our Elders took the C.O of the day aside at the Circuit Assy and demanded the C.O apologise from the platform for something he had said, the C.O did so ! That same C.O, nice guy actually, left the Borg not much later, hence our reputation. The attitude was C.O's are with us for three years, six visits, at the most, the don't count for much.
There were one or two wannabe Elders who crawled a bit.
I actually knew a few who were genuinely nice guys. Most of the time, however, the elders' lips were glued to the CO's butt, and the CO liked it.