Our family's exit from the cult began the same place it did for Ray Franz and friends, namely the liberating Good News or gospel according to Paul in the book of Romans (as contrasted with Watchtower religious legalism and moralism).
Initially as Watchtower loyalists we scoured only the Watchtower library for any morsel we could find. We soon noticed a growing divergence between what we were learning and what is taught in practice.
The clincher was when the elders (Pharisees) threatened us with dire consequences if we said anything in the slightest to anyone about the Good News. Questions were also expressly forbidden.
We did go through distinct phases common to those exiting cults - including intense shock, anger and grief.
Now we are free, much happier, and on much more solid ground.
We now identify as SBNR (Spiritual But Not Religious) believers and persons who have been granted the free gifts of faith, salvation, and a right and clean standing (by imputation) with our Creator.