No actually not from "The Catholic Weekly" - paraphrased/edited from the Watchtower's Awake publication:
*** g83 11/8 pp. 4-5 Intolerance—From Past to Present ***
Catholic Intolerance
Catholic canon law states: “Most firmly hold and in no way doubt that every heretic or schismatic is to have part with the Devil and his angels in the flames of eternal fire, unless before the end of his life he be incorporated with, and restored to the Catholic Church.”
And up to this day the oath of allegiance of Roman Catholic bishops states: “With all my power I will persecute and make war upon heretics.”
Thus intolerance was built into Catholic thinking.
But justifying this attitude, the authoritative French Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique states: “Being the guardian of revealed truth, faith and morals, the church cannot tolerate the spreading of any teaching that is harmful to the faith of the faithful.”