theocratic "CPR"
lol sparrowdown
the numbers don't lie... definitely slowing down!!.
in the 40´s the average growth per year was 20%in the 50´s it was about 10%they had four decades of solid 5% per yearnow the average for the past 16 years has been 2%.
maybe in the future it will be 1% or 0 or even negative????.
theocratic "CPR"
lol sparrowdown
kind of a two fold question, use to have discussions with witnesses about the 144000 and how i didnt agree with it being spiritual because tribes are defined, also mentioned that early on in revelations that a measurement was given for gentiles and i explained that i belived that that was basically foundating that the prophecies proceeding would have nothing to do with gentiles as in they are not measured in these concerns.
never did get any decent reasoning from them on that.. but i haven't heard about that doctrine in a while or online.
granted there are a lot more messed up stuff they teach but these things gave me the impression that it would effect the org if anyone could claim to be of the 144000. are these people suppose to be spiritual?
"one hope"
"one flock"
in the old testament the basic teaching is that no sin would go unpunished.
suddenly, it takes an opposite turn in the new testament where grace is shown as flowing through jesus to sinners who put faith in the sacrificial death of jesus.
interestingly, new testament writers admit that both the teachings are in opposition to each other.
Jesus rebuke of the Pharisees' meticulous lawmaking and law-keeping shows they had missed the purpose of the Old Testament - shining a light on the human condition and the need for a saviour.
in the old testament the basic teaching is that no sin would go unpunished.
suddenly, it takes an opposite turn in the new testament where grace is shown as flowing through jesus to sinners who put faith in the sacrificial death of jesus.
interestingly, new testament writers admit that both the teachings are in opposition to each other.
Google search - grace in the old testament
well here am i, a couple of years passed since my original post (link here), somewhat less mysoginistic, more open to relationships, heartbroken again.
this is an official "fuck my life" thread.. being chased by the elders makes one arrive at the conclusion that there is nothing better than not being chased by the elders.
i had a pre-jc meeting a week ago.
Best wishes mate!
i have a nearly academic interest in the occult, though i am not a spiritualist and remain a skeptic.
i've come to learn that demons are based on everything from dust devils in the desert, to diseases, to actual people.
probably most of all, demons are a tool of good ol' fashioned con artists and fear mongers.. but here's a question.
The closest I have come is to witness the 180 degree turnaround in someone after they had an encounter in a jail cell.
He refused to speak. Word was that he was pressed to the concrete ceiling whilst in his bed.
At any rate he was a very changed person afterward.
for those that still care to read the bible of course.
those that don't, please keep the snarky comments to yourselves :-).
i am assuming nwt is not very popular?.
The Bible has been used to fuel good and bad outcomes.
It seems bad outcomes tend to come from trying to follow the letter.
And it seems good outcomes tend to come from following the spirit.
"He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." (2 Cor 3:6, NIV)
The Pharisees esteemed scripture (the letter) but hated and killed God's word (or message, which became flesh).
i was a 4th gen born adult children were the 5th.
my mother was one of the newly'anointed' we have all left.
i have been lurking since october.i was really too terrified someone would find out who i was and what would happen.well we are out now so here is a part of my story.
A belated warm welcome to you notalone.
Thank you for sharing your story and congratulations for standing up for your daughter when the "trustworthy" ruling religious clergy class proved how deeply cowardly they are.
Our family's awakening process also started with cover-ups.
Greetings and blessings
(A SBNR - Spiritual But Not Religious believer, Queensland, Australia)
a circuit overseer friend of mine serving in latin america called me today to say hi.
i asked him what's new and he dropped the news that they have received notification that the branch in mexico will be closing!!
this branch also called the central american branch (although located in mexico) oversees all of mexico's 800,000+ publishers plus all 7 countries of central america of over 100,000 publishers.
Time to ramp up the court cases against this narcissistic pedophile paradise and make them pay until they vapourise...
for those that still care to read the bible of course.
those that don't, please keep the snarky comments to yourselves :-).
i am assuming nwt is not very popular?.
Nice catch.
Faith is not equal to belief.
Faith is a fruit and gift of the Holy Spirit and as such emanates from God.
Belief emanates from man.
Whilst I don't have a preference I have benefitted from and .