I am a septugenarian and healthy. I believe all lives matter and that people should all be kind, compassionate, fair-minded and respect their fellow man no matter what age, skin tone, or political/religious leaning. A pandemic that has taken thousands of lives is not a hoax nor a political conspiracy. It is a medical scientific reality and the more people follow the common sense parameters and endeavor to halt or at best hamper the viral spread, the better off we all are.
I do not like wearing a mask at all, but I certainly do not consider it an infringement of my personal rights or liberties. I consider it a respectful response to the well being of my fellow man. Twisting issues to glorify or vilify a political stance is unnecessary and we have seen far too much of that thus far.
The pandemic presents many challenges and alterations to our daily lifestyles...but adapting to new circumstances is far healthier mentally and physically than balking and potentially causing damage to ourselves and others.