Congratulations on taking ACTION!! That is exactly my point...I really believed that no matter what my 'fellow JW' did to me, that it needed to be kept INHOUSE and that taking legal action against a JW was the equivalent of drinking a glass of blood = WRONG!!!!! I knew of and witnessed numerous couples in congs where the man was a tyrant. Dude had some low paying manual labor job, they had more kids then they could support, he was 'gunning' for a cong title (MS or eleder), and he was mean to his wife...and yet he would climb the spiritual ladder, all the while, his wife look slike she got run over by a truck at every mtg. So back then - that kind of relationship was acceptable. Didn't help that my own parents were dysfunctional, my father was emotionally/verbally abusive and my mother is emotionally disturbed (and codependent).
OF course when it happened to me, and I had the chance to either take a stand against abuse or let this JW walk away as if nothing happened, I decided to take a stand and go to court. WON too!!! I don't care who knows what he did to me, I don't care if every JW that has ever known me or knew OF me knows what happened - I can rest at night knowing I said "ENOUGH" and was not about to let any other person (man, elder, parent, friend) abuse me. You need to recognize the POWER you gave yourself girl!!!!!!!!