I used to work in Advertising, and more specifically, with Automotive Dealers. A lot of them are notorious (even though it's illegal) for the 'bait-n-switch' sales tactic: they advertise one loaded model car, customer calls in and is interested in THAT particular advertised model, the dealer claims to have it and so the customer stops in to drive it, and then BAM! Dealers suddenly doesn't have the advertised model BUT offers the customer another low-end model for apprx the same price.
FOr some reason that reminds me of how people come into the JW religion. They are 'baited' with all this hope and love, genuine friendship, and Bible knowledge on a surface level. Then the person gets baptized, and the SWITCH happens - they learn that the love is underminded with people who really don't give a rats butt, those friendships are conditional, and that NOW their dedication means they are to cut off ALL others (family, friends, children, associates) that are not part of the faith. It's illegal in the workplace and should be illegal across the board.