I often questioned this myself...
1. If God knows all, why would he create humans he KNEW were going to 'ruin things' for everyone after?
2. Why would God just not kick Adam and Eve to the curb, create new humans, and let us all have a fighting chance?
3. What kind of God knowing sits back and watches people suffer - all to prove a POINT to a bad angel HE created (and could've destroyed)?
4. Didnt God KNOW all the crazy crap that was going to take place beforehand...so why didnt he intervene? And why were the Israelites of old times 'good enough' for miracles and saving from harm/starvation/death right on the spot...yet WE today arent?
5. Why did God allow Satan to even BE in Eden and taunt Adam and Eve? Isnt that playing games with people? And after they sinned, why not just erase their memory and start over? Why allow 1 mistake by 2 dummies cause such a ripple effect?
I have always been curious about those things - because outside of the surface reasoning the JWs provide, there never was any clear answer.