@ sd-7
I absolutely enjoyed reading every word of your post. I am sorry I can't offer any help or suggestions but something in your writing gave me hope. I don't know what it was. Perhaps it was just knowing that there are others out that have very similar emotions to that of mine. I especially liked the following paragraph of your post:
I have times when I don't want to see a Watchtower, yet I see them on the bookshelf in my home every day. There are other times when I reach for those books and spend countless hours researching some subject matter, as if...if I don't constantly remind myself that it's a lie, I might start believing it again. As if...there is no case against the Witnesses that could ever air-tight enough or buried deep enough to satisfy me. Never enough ammunition to destroy its fragile foundations. I just keep firing, keep blowing it up, and its face still stares at me, unchanged.
Thank you and take care.