We had an international convention a few years ago in Madrid and the heat was just inhuman. I heard some complaints from different brothers, not just because of the unbearable temperature but also because many fights arose over the few shady seats. I was asked to volunteer in Lost and Found because languages were needed and I was required to remain in the department virtually at all times, even during the programme, so I didn't get to listen to practically any of the talks, me, who absorbed every word uttered from a platform as if it came from Jehovah himself and took notes tirelessly. I was sorry to miss the information, although to make up for that I got to meet delightful brothers and sisters who came to us looking for their lost items. I was also saddened when I heard about the bad spirit as regards the seats...
JoinedPosts by goldensky
International Conventions - Have you attended any of them?
by Girlie induring my time in jw, i always had a desire to attend the international conventions, but never had the opportunity to do so because it was always extended to the elite class 1st (pioneers, elders, etc.
) and peons second.
in my congregation, the same pioneer sisters always hogged the opportunity, leaving others to only hope in the day they can go.
Why are we repulsed at the though to consuming human milk?
by Elsewhere ini saw a story this morning about a guy who is making cheese using his wife's breast milk.. i checked a poll and 80% of people think this is gross.
i must admit there is a part of me that is repulsed too.
my scientific "geek" and curious side is intrigued and would want to try it... but then the repulsion kicks in again.
It's indeed a gift, Mrsjones5. I breastfed my two children until they were 20 months old. It's so gratifying! I truly feel it's unfair men can't experience that feeling of warmth and closeness.
by paul from cleveland ini've started drinking again.
i stopped for a month but i gave in again.
sorry i'm writing it here but who else am i going to tell?
Good morning, dear Paul! Don't worry about yesterday or any day before that. With each new day, each one of us has a new opportunity to start afresh. Let your life begin today. I love you.
Why the Society needs to have an interpretation for every prophecy
by Olin Moyles Ghost inthe "prophetic" books of the bible contain lots of wild imagery and vague predictions.
for example, daniel describes various periods of 1260, 1290, 1335, and 2300 days.
revelation contains discussions of a variety of wild beasts, trumpet blasts, etc.
Olin Moyles Ghost, Zoiks, Maninthemiddle and Rocketman, .
Has anyone read The Shack by William Young?
by awildflower inmy mother called today said i must, must, must go get this book and read it.
i see it every time i go to the book store but thought it had something to do with religion so i didn't want it.
i'm going to get it on friday and read it this weekend just wondered if anyone else had read it..
Thank you, Terry, for spoiling the end for me by disclosing it! Ha, ha, ha! Never mind, I'm kidding really, I could have stopped reading the plot if I'd had the willpower, so it was my fault. Since I know the end of the story now, I can definitely say I find it a real disappointment. Wasn't I naïve expecting an answer to an impossible question?
Has anyone read The Shack by William Young?
by awildflower inmy mother called today said i must, must, must go get this book and read it.
i see it every time i go to the book store but thought it had something to do with religion so i didn't want it.
i'm going to get it on friday and read it this weekend just wondered if anyone else had read it..
Dear Awildflower, I'm so happy you've brought this subject up, I was about to start a thread on this myself. You see, I received the book last week (I'm keeping the guys at Amazon VERY busy, you can tell) and I was so eager to read it! The cover looked magical to me, the critiques were exceptionally good, I was SO intrigued after reading them to find out what staggering answer to the question of God's allowance of suffering the author might have come up with. So about three days ago I started reading full of excitement. The first 80 pages are so interesting I couldn't put the book down. My anticipation grew more and more... until this Mack meets God in the shack and everything becomes GROTESQUE. The way they describe God's appearance (I won't disclose it in case you read it), the fact that there are three people in the shack (God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit -with all my respect, the Trinity doesn't make any sense to me, at least at this point-), and, above all, the explanations I've read so far, are making me really angry. How disappointing! Mind you, I may have totally missed the point or things may take a 180º turn from now on (although I'm already on page 142). I should be through the book in a couple of days, and I was waiting till then to ask you guys if anybody had had the same reaction or it was just me. Please let me know your opinion if you decide to read it. I still hold the hope something may shake me in the hundred pages left. That would be neat.
By the way, I began "Change your thoughts, change your life" yesterday, at a slow pace as you said, and it's quite pleasant and relaxing... We'll see.
by paul from cleveland ini've started drinking again.
i stopped for a month but i gave in again.
sorry i'm writing it here but who else am i going to tell?
My very dear Paul from Cleveland,
You know I have a soft spot for you, like many of us here. I wish I understood the depth of your pain, but I don't. From what I gather, you feel overwhelmed by guilt because you "cheated on your partner". Does that mean you had sex with another girl? If that's the case, for goodness' sake, Paul, you are human! That can happen to anybody. Please forgive yourself and learn from your experience. But don't dwell on it, for the sake of your own sanity. We have all made mistakes of one sort or another, sometimes hurting others and ourselves indelibly. What are we supposed to do now? Torture ourselves with thoughts of gnawing remorse? Worse still, try to numb those thoughts through some addicting and health-impairing substance? No way!!! Please love yourself, dear Paul, you look and sound like such a lovable person!
As for the partner you lost, are you sure you've definitely lost him/her? Aren't you throwing the towel too fast? Although of course I know nothing of the person in question, I strongly feel hardly anything is powerful enough to end a relationship irreversibly if the "guilty" partner devotes all his energy to gaining the person back. Why don't you set yourself that worthwhile goal? To succeed, you will need a serene mind and an unmovable will, two things alcohol will only take away from you.
Please, look after yourself. You well know all on this board wish you the very best.
Lots of love, OLGA.
New Here
by CuriousButterfly inhi new to this message board.
i was trying to contact the admins or mods and the link at the botton if the message board does not appear to be working.
am i able to pm them?.
Welcome, CuriousButterfly! We are glad to have you here. You are brave. I'm looking forward to future posts from you.
The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving Kindness- No need for religion in spirituality
by OnTheWayOut inreading tmj4477's thread about religion after jw's and reading perry trying to counter ak-jeff on a thread about god and suffering, both of these made me want to post some eastern thought that doesn't fall into the category of "religious" but might help nonetheless.. .
excerpt from the wisdom of no escape (with subtitle: and the path of loving-kindness).
chapter 8: no such thing as a true storyin taoism there's a famous saying that goes, "the tao that can be spoken is not the ultimate tao.
You've said it, Open mind, "those interactions had a cumulative effect" on you. How interesting! That's exactly what I think happened to me over the years. My conversations with householders where practically my only outside source of information. I didn't realize it back then, but many a householder left a seed in my heart, until all the seeds seemed to sprout over the period of a few months... Interesting...
With Heavy Heart
by PSacramento insometimes we find a place and it feels like home, it is accepting and understanding.. then, sometimes, that place becomes cold and inhospitible.. when i first joined here i felt i have found a good place.. people like narkissos, leolaia and others impressed me with their knowledge of scripture and motivated me to learn more for myself.. others touched me with the stories of their pan and hurt, pain and hurt that i was feeling also.. i don't think i ever offended anyone with my views on christianity and if i have i sincerly apologise for that was not my intent.. but things change and sometimes home isn't home anymore.... this site had been invalable to me for my understanding what is wrong with the jw's relgion and the wt, it has strengthened my faith and belief.. here i found people of religon, faith and love.. here i found agnostics and athiest that challenged my views and made me question, they made me a believe via reason and not "blind faith".. for that, i thank all of you, especially the "jeff's" ( ak and alltime), i also say a special thanks to leavingthewt, many of his posts made me feel welcomed and made me think and be a better person.. chalam, bts, dd and so many others, i thank you from my heart for your kind words over these many months.. people like mary and sylvia and so many others filled my heart with love with their stories.. all the best to you my dear brothers and sisters.. .
Dear PSacramento, I've also read the whole thread that hurt your feelings and I think I know which particular unfortunate sentence cut your heart. I'm sure that poster didn't realize it would offend you the way it did. I've just seen the photograph you posted of you with your wife and your two gorgeous daughters and I don't think anybody could have any doubts about your deep love for the three of them. Yes, I can easily imagine you cuddling up with your daughters in bed and enjoying each second to the full. You are a loving man, no one can question that.