Dear PSacramento, I really think all of us like you very much. Even The Gladiator (whose posts I thoroughly enjoy) acknowledges your value and regrets your desire to "abandon" us. We'll all be happy if you continue to share your beliefs and your insight with us.
JoinedPosts by goldensky
With Heavy Heart
by PSacramento insometimes we find a place and it feels like home, it is accepting and understanding.. then, sometimes, that place becomes cold and inhospitible.. when i first joined here i felt i have found a good place.. people like narkissos, leolaia and others impressed me with their knowledge of scripture and motivated me to learn more for myself.. others touched me with the stories of their pan and hurt, pain and hurt that i was feeling also.. i don't think i ever offended anyone with my views on christianity and if i have i sincerly apologise for that was not my intent.. but things change and sometimes home isn't home anymore.... this site had been invalable to me for my understanding what is wrong with the jw's relgion and the wt, it has strengthened my faith and belief.. here i found people of religon, faith and love.. here i found agnostics and athiest that challenged my views and made me question, they made me a believe via reason and not "blind faith".. for that, i thank all of you, especially the "jeff's" ( ak and alltime), i also say a special thanks to leavingthewt, many of his posts made me feel welcomed and made me think and be a better person.. chalam, bts, dd and so many others, i thank you from my heart for your kind words over these many months.. people like mary and sylvia and so many others filled my heart with love with their stories.. all the best to you my dear brothers and sisters.. .
The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving Kindness- No need for religion in spirituality
by OnTheWayOut inreading tmj4477's thread about religion after jw's and reading perry trying to counter ak-jeff on a thread about god and suffering, both of these made me want to post some eastern thought that doesn't fall into the category of "religious" but might help nonetheless.. .
excerpt from the wisdom of no escape (with subtitle: and the path of loving-kindness).
chapter 8: no such thing as a true storyin taoism there's a famous saying that goes, "the tao that can be spoken is not the ultimate tao.
Thank you very much, Awildflower, for your clarifications. I'll start reading the book tonight.
The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving Kindness- No need for religion in spirituality
by OnTheWayOut inreading tmj4477's thread about religion after jw's and reading perry trying to counter ak-jeff on a thread about god and suffering, both of these made me want to post some eastern thought that doesn't fall into the category of "religious" but might help nonetheless.. .
excerpt from the wisdom of no escape (with subtitle: and the path of loving-kindness).
chapter 8: no such thing as a true storyin taoism there's a famous saying that goes, "the tao that can be spoken is not the ultimate tao.
I'll definitely follow your recommendations. Thank you, Awildflower. Do you think it might be a good idea to read it to my children too (10 and 8 years old)? I always read to them for a few minutes at breakfast time. Or would it not be within their grasp?
The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving Kindness- No need for religion in spirituality
by OnTheWayOut inreading tmj4477's thread about religion after jw's and reading perry trying to counter ak-jeff on a thread about god and suffering, both of these made me want to post some eastern thought that doesn't fall into the category of "religious" but might help nonetheless.. .
excerpt from the wisdom of no escape (with subtitle: and the path of loving-kindness).
chapter 8: no such thing as a true storyin taoism there's a famous saying that goes, "the tao that can be spoken is not the ultimate tao.
You won't believe this, but I've just this minute received my copy of "Ändere deine Gedanken und dein Leben ändert sich", by Wayne Dyer ("Change your thoughts, change your life", didn't you say that's the title in English, Awildflower?). ! Yippee! Yes, I ordered it in German, because for some weird reason I took for granted it would be a simple book to read. Oh well! I'll keep my dictionary handy. I can't wait to see what it's all about. Thanks for the recommendation!
Congratulations on your beautiful granddaughter!
Tribute to my JW mother.
by Aussie Oz inhaving read a lot of threads on how difficult it can be to deal with parents who cannot understand why a child leaves the jw's etc, i decided to post about my mother.... mum joined the jw's in the early 70's.
she had 3 children, about 8,10 and 12. after divorce and remarriage she had two more (twins) when i was 15ish.
we three first children all left home, older brother d/f first, younger sister d/a years later and i left my wife and was d/f too.
Dear Aussie Oz, I wish all witnesses had that exemplary attitude. Congratulations! No wonder you love her so much. She deserves it.
I'm dying here in Cleveland
by paul from cleveland inthis economy is killing me.
many sleepless nights..
Ever so sorry, Paul, you find yourself in that worrying situation. I sincerely wish you to find a way out of it. Love, OLGA.
Letter to Mom
by Coffee House Girl injust in case there are any faders that need help breaking the news:.
i am posting this letter i left with my mother after i explained to her in person that i no longer wanted to be "in the truth".
you are not to blame, you cant make choices for me any more, only i can.. .
Dear CoffeeHouseGirl, what a BEAUTIFUL letter! So nicely written, so loving, so empathetic... You are a wonderful daughter and a brave person. By the way you express yourself and the things you say about your Mum, I bet she, too, is a lovable human being. All the best to both of you!
A pic with all my love to all of you, my virtual friends!
by goldensky ini've been wanting to post a pic for so long.
i finally found out how!
here it goes: goldensky and daughter with all our love to you guys.
You are very beautiful, MsDucky.
I understand many of you can't post your pics... Too bad...
A pic with all my love to all of you, my virtual friends!
by goldensky ini've been wanting to post a pic for so long.
i finally found out how!
here it goes: goldensky and daughter with all our love to you guys.
Thank you, thank you very much. It's amazing how much warmth and affection for each one of you your very kind comments awaken in my heart. You, who have walked the same path and have known the same "world" as me, have become so meaningful in my everyday life now I just hope you can feel my love flowing back to you through these lines as a very humble token of gratefulness for the joy you bring me.