Thank you for your response. I do not know if you noted the statement in one of my posts about Josephus which was "if you accept this writing to be true" but the reason I said that is that I am fully aware that there is a controversy about whether or not what is written in the book of Josephus about Jesus really was written by him or by a christian interloper at a later time.
I've read a lot on this subject and have found that the evidence is probably stronger that while Josephus did give a very generic account of a man named Jesus living during that time in history, someone else added more details later on about Jesus being the Christ. I came to this conclusion by reading lots of commentaries about this book as well as looking at evidence provided by the earliest copies of manuscripts of Josephus' writings.
Believe me my friend, I take nothing at face value any more and have no problem looking at evidence that goes contrary to my belief. If I do not do this, how can I learn to defend my beliefs with non believers? The evidence has not swayed me in any way because part of belief in Christ is based upon Faith and not how much was written about him, or how many people believe the testimony of him. It is simply a personal decision I have made in my life, after wieghing the evidence, to accept Jesus as the Christ.
The fact that non believers either do not have the same belief in Jesus existance or do not give Jesus the same authority or esteem in their lives than that of being a mortal man is not surprising at all to me. Why would they anyway? Jesus means as much to them as Budha means to me which is nothing at all.
But I am not going around trying to disprove Budha and wonder why so many try to disprove Jesus? The NT is a collection of letters written by and for people of a certain faith belief and WE (who belong to that faith) have to determine how much wieght to give it in our lives. It really should not concern non believers in any way unless of course you have nothing better to do with your time then try to dismantle other peoples belief? I just do not get it. Life is too short to spend time argueing about a book you do not believe in anyway.
Wishing you peace, Lilly