I would never go back unless Jehovah starts talking directly to me. I am tired of the middle man.
A recovering Jehovah's Witness. Kinda like alcohol, but not as fun. Just ask J. Rutherford.
just a couple of quick questions, the first directed at exjws - could you ever see any reason for you to return to the organisation?
what would have to happen for you to return?
under what circumstances would you ever go back?
I would never go back unless Jehovah starts talking directly to me. I am tired of the middle man.
A recovering Jehovah's Witness. Kinda like alcohol, but not as fun. Just ask J. Rutherford.
my inactive sister who is very much a jw at heart recently discovered (i told her) that i was a budding agnostic.
she was quite intrigued and wondered why.
coming to an agnostic viewpoint has been a long journey.
Hi teejay,
You wanted me to finish my thoughts, so here it goes. Keep in mind, I don't like to post large letters. When we are born, we need our mother's comfort. She protects us, holds us, and feeds us. When we grow, we look to others to help keep us safe, through family, school teachers, police, friends, etc. As adults, we seek out somebody for a mate, look for a home, and stable employment. All these things are for our comfort. When people turn toward religion, it is to find comfort, because we want to know if there is a way to be comforted when we die. I believe that is where the idea for Gods originated. We want there to be sombody for us when we die. As humans, we also want to have more and better. So we hope Heaven or Paradise, or whatever is better than what we have now. All the time we are seeking comfort. I think that is all I have to comment about this topic. Like I said, I am not one for writing a lot.
A recovering Jehovah's Witness. Kinda like alcohol, but not as fun. Just ask J. Rutherford.
my inactive sister who is very much a jw at heart recently discovered (i told her) that i was a budding agnostic.
she was quite intrigued and wondered why.
coming to an agnostic viewpoint has been a long journey.
I have an opinion,
Man has always looked for comfort. Because of this need for comfort, when we die, we hope there is more. We want our existance to continue, so we want a god to take us to heaven, paradise or whatever. It is only because of this basic need that religion exists at all. I could expand on my theory if anyone is interested.
i don't mean in general, i mean for exjw's... is there a noticable advantage to pairing with someone with the same background?
i'd like to read your thoughts and experiences on this subject.. i've been romantically involved few times, since "the light got brighter" for me about the organization, with people who didn't know anything about jw's before meeting me.
one of them viewed my exjw activity as a bit obsessive but okay as long as she got to obsess on her favorite obesssions, too.
After reading what comf said, does anyone know any single exjw women around Kansas? I just want to see if he is right!
A recovering Jehovah's Witness. Kinda like alcohol, but not as fun. Just ask J. Rutherford.
i knew a presiding overseer in the congregation i attened who was possibly the strangest person i ever met.
he took a rigorous position toward the society's view on everything!!!
he was against many things ....including....science fiction, fantasy, the x-files, disneyland, cartoons and football.
Can I add GodRules to my list?
A recovering Jehovah's Witness. Kinda like alcohol, but not as fun. Just ask J. Rutherford.
was it for love of the kingdom hall and jehovah?
pressure .. felt like you had to?
for me it was because all my friends my age had gotten baptized.. and it was left up to me to do it too.. to fit in i guess.
Hey GodRules, I have a question about your statement here.
voltaire: I know you can't be serious. How can you compare baptism of infants to baptism of a 12-year old? You must have been an idiot at 12. I know 12 year olds that are more mature than 40 year olds.
Does this mean you are 40?
for me i think it was the sunday meeting.. just wanting to stay home and sleep in.. but i think the watchtower study was the hardest to sit threw... you had to have it studied before hand.. and highlighted.. then sit there and listen to it all over again..
I hated all conventions. They make you feel like you are supposed to like it. When in reality everyone is just bored stiff. The weekly meetings sucked too. Especially the double meeting on Thursday.
> http://www.thesmokinggun.com/jonbenet/jonbenet_casefile.html.
just for laughs.......
If anyone knows about the Jim Rome Show on radio. He talks about sports. One of his clones (listeners) would send an email like this:
Dear Jim,
I am still looking for Jon Benet's real killers.
(O.J. Simpson)
my wife and i have at different times and different assemblies worked in accounting.
we noticed a pattern of manipulation of figures to move the brothers to contribute more thinking that the assembly was short the needed cash to take care of expenses even when there was plenty of money!.
has anyone else out there ever worked in the 'money room' also, and if so, what did you observe?.
I worked in the accounting room a couple of times. Yes it was better than setting in the audience and listening to that boring crap. To answer your question, I never understood how we could take in all of that money, (I handled checks as big as $400 US) and still come up short by the end of the convention. I know the building we were using cost $3000 dollars per day. So $9000 US total. We would have an average of 7000 in attendence, so if everybody gave $1.29 US the building would have been covered. So what happend to all of the rest of the money? God only knows!
i have a question that no elder has given me a good explanation on.
how do the anointed jehovah's witnesses become that way.
i heard that somehow their spirit is born along with the holy spirit.
I want to thank you all for your thoughts on the subject. You all have definitly given me Pleanty to read. But, please take it easy on each other. I just wanted an answer to my origional question, which was how can the so called anointed say they were, and I can't be? What makes them so special?
Peace to all!