I pretty much agree with what you have said wantingtruth. I find nothing that I can dispute.
Something that has bothered me for awhile about the WTS is the use of the name Jehovah's Witnesses.
According to Phillipians 2:10 "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,in heaven and on earth and under the earth"
According to YHWH's OWN words, our worship and service should be directed to wards his SON, not himself directly. By worshipping the SON, we are fulfilling the commandments of the FATHER and hence indirectly worshipping him as well.
So shouldn't we be Jesus' Witnesss? or Followers of The Way? or Christian Witnesses of Jesus?
This has bugged me for a while.
By takig the name Jehovah's Witnesses, the WTS is in fact ignoring the name of God and ignoring his commandments to honor the son. Also, for the most part we are to ignore the Mosaic Law teachings, as they no longer apply since we have a new teaching which is found in Christ Jesus our Lord. Yet the WTS repeatedly refers back to those old laws, not in a comparitive sense, but in a literal one. What I mean to say is, that the WTS implies that the Mosaid Laws are still in force by their insistence that we govern our lives by many of them, even though Christ says we should govern our lives thru Love.
I looked at your other post, the one linked at the bottom of your last response and I have to agree that it seems that Russell and Rutherford started out with the best of intentions, but were eventually led astray by their own desires and the need to guide ones who kept asking to be led.
King Solomon eventually parted from YHWH because of his foreign wives, yet Jesus still referenced him when speaking to the crowds about the dangers of materialism. So the WTS might now dismiss Rutherford and Russell, but we shouldn't, for it's not our place to judge.
As far as the Kingdom and when it started ruling, I felt this took place at the Transfiguration, for after Jesus resurrection and before Pentecost, Jesus makes the statement that all authority has been given him in heaven and on earth. But Pentecost was important in that the major witnessing work was now underway. Looking at the scriptures I feel that there will be a second Pentecost-like event in the near future, where God's spirit will be poured out and the sons of the kingdom will shine forth and this good news of the kingdom will be preached for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come. When this spirit is poured out, there will no longer be any debate, it will be obvious to everyone on the earth who is and is not true followers of Christ.
As for the mark of the beast. This is just my opinion. People who are within or not within the WTS or even in Christendom or elsewhere who are sighing and groaning over the detestable things being done are given a mark by a servant of Jesus with an inkhorn, these are the ones saved. The ones who are not sighing and groaning are given the mark of the beast, showing in essence that they support that beasts machinations.
Thanks for all the information wantingtruth