I do not believe the RCC is the one true faith because their doctrines can easily be misproven by simple Biblical research and they accept other religions.
I do however believe the JW ARE God's people, at least in the sense of a wayward nation that eventually becomes or has become the False Prophet and is eventually destroyed (like the Jewish nation was God's people and were also destroyed for their disobediance). The RCC doesn't get involved in prophecy, whereas the JW's known for it.
The prophecies that JW's direct towards Christendom are actually directed towards themselves because like the Jewish nation-state, they believe themselves to be God's only true people and so actually line themselves up for destruction according to Revelation.
Even though I consider them to be God's wayward people, I left before the call goes out to "flee to the mountains" as Jesus said.
I recently considered going thru the RCIA, to convert to Catholicism, as I see it as the lesser of two evils. Even though the RCC has committed atrocities, their admitting their errors and at least trying to make up for them speaks highly of them. The JW's have no such scruples. I've even considered trying to enter the Priesthood, to further my own education of Christianity's past and to help others in a way I could have never accomplished as a JW. The RCC has charities that to me do the very thing Jesus said was more important than preaching, namely to care for widows and fatherless boys.
Off Topic:
I have thought of going back to help others leave and am still on the fence regarding this. Because of my mindset I will never pretend to believe what the WTS teaches , just to get reinstated. I want others to know I am Apostate (like Jesus and the Apostles were when in came to Judaism) and will therefore come to me and ask questions.
To my knowledge there currently exists no rule to keep people from attending the meetings. According to the WTS own words, all meetings are open to the public, so being part of said public, I could attend if I wanted. I would give encouragment to the other disfellowshipped ones who feel abandoned by their peers and comfort them with the hope of approval by God, despite the WTS ' proclamation that Disfellowshipped ones have no hope at Armageddon. I would point out the 3 laws necessary for salvation. Love Yahweh your God with everything you possess, Love your neighbor as yourself and have faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus and all that pertains to it. Field Service, commenting at meetings, being "approved" by imperfect men who cannot read hearts as God can means absolutely nothing.
I would remind them that they dedicated themselves to God and Jesus and not to some man-made organization who consistently utters false prophecy and who treats the flock the same as the Pharisees in Jesus' time.
edited for spelling mistakes