God will end all suffering! when?how? Dec 1/09 wt

by bobld 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bobld

    Over 2,600 years ago Habakkuk asked God that Q.What does the wt have to about this Q."God really cares how we know. Think for EX. Do you like good food? Jehovah could have provided just one kind of food to sustain our life.Instead,he created an endless variety of food to delight our palate."

    That same wt says 'God sees the 800 million people who go to bed hungry every night" So does the endless variety of food help those 800 million.

    "A global problem, a global solution.Suffering is seen everywhere,and many are those who respond to it compassionately.Medical personnel,firefighters,police,lawmakers(I do not know why they put lawmakers in here) rescue personnel strive to alleviate or prevent the suffering of others. "In contrast,God can and will bring about a global solution"

    For 2,600 years God let man suffer and did nothing.When man sees someone suffering they step in and help.They do not wait ask Q's they just do the right thing and help.The kind of God the wt is promoting is false.


  • Awen

    Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.

    To me, that is in essence why God allows sufferering. The Book of Job illustrates that although Job thought he was wise and that he could question God's motives, God's response showed us that there is a huge gulf that exists between Himself and ourselves. For years I struggled with this very problem and could never understand it, until I thought of something.

    If you shelter your children from every adversity that comes along will they appreciate you for it or resent you?

    Any parent can answer this easily. The children will chafe under your protection and eventually rebel.

    So God's solution?

    Limit the protection, add abundant evidence of His existence, instill a yearning inside each of of us to seek Him out so that we can eventually arrive at the conclusion that if he did protect us from everything, we would be ungrateful.

    So when He does eventually restore order, we can look back on how things were and how things are with love that is pure and full of wisdom. Wisdom that tells us that if we were protected from all hardships, we would be robots, with no creativity. We wouldn't appreciate all that He has done for us because we wouldn't have anything to compare it to.

    Also how are we not to know that a person stepping in to help isn't being moved by God to do so? Consider that we hear in the news of people watching others doing nothing while someone is beaten or raped until one brave person steps in and calls the police or personally intervenes.

    God is alive and lives inside each one of us. You just have to stop and listen. Then you tell others what you "heard" by helping them when they need it and holding back when they need to learn for themselves.

  • excito-are

    Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish and give him a fishing rod and he sells it and eats for a week.


  • No Longer Held Captive
    No Longer Held Captive

    Easy, isnt it sometime, from 1914 onwards? I will let you know when the big guy gives me new light on it? but, dont take it as Gospel, as the new light is always subject to change as you all know.

  • Satanus

    Wtgod will end all suffering by killing the suffering ones. That's the wt good news.


  • No Longer Held Captive
    No Longer Held Captive

    Suffer all little children that come unto me via my self appointed slave.

    You must give up your lives and careers for me.

    Suffer and know hardship

    Your kids must forgoe pursuing higher education

    You must believe all we tell you through our self appointed slave, and if you disagree, then its out you go.

    Keep your mouth shut about serious wrong doing, dont go to the Police, let the spirit appointed and lead leaders and elders deal with it.

    Do all we say without question

    You must hate worldly people and have no association with anyone outside of the camp

    You must let your kids die, even if surgery would prevent a life threatening situation.

    You must believe in the long ago debunked 1914 doctrine and all linked to it

    You must not speak to family members who are disfellowshipped

    You must believe without reserve on all of the Bible doctrines we publish, and these of course are subject to change as regards any new light that may be shed on the situation.

    Failure to comply will mean ultimate destruction and death at Armageddon

    You must go in service to get as many bums on seats and sell as many books as possible

    I think our guidelines are clear enough

    Your christian brothers

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

  • OnTheWayOut

    Wtgod will end all suffering by killing the suffering ones. That's the wt good news.


    Yes, the 800 million people who go to bed hungry every night and billions beyond them, those who didn't become JW's, are to be destroyed.
    That's the WT/Awake solution to everything-
    unemployment; get rid of the unemployed,
    starvation; get rid of the starving,
    violence; get rid of the violent,
    idol worship; get rid of the idol worshipers,
    independent thinking against WT; get rid of the independent thinkers

  • sir82
    "God sees the 800 million people who go to bed hungry every night"
    "In contrast,God can and will bring about a global solution"

    God's solution, per the WTS: Kill the 800 million. Problem solved.

  • No Longer Held Captive
    No Longer Held Captive

    Problem Solved

    WBTS role in the oncoming New World Order will be one of control and eugenics, diving the family and individual....the son of destruction has now been revealed.

    Alduous Huxley was a secret dub.

  • bobld

    Thanks for your comments:

    To Awen"shelter your children from every advesity" Can you imagine losing a child because you do not have enough food.Can you imagine a loved one suffering in pain because of cancer.The list goes on and on and on.If you had the power would you feed that child.If you had the power would you heal that love one from cancer.How many generation have to suffer to prove....what point.


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