Excellent posts Druid. To comment on your second question rebuttal.
This: http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/nogod.html was linked in another discussion and from a scientific point of view it give a plausible solution to how God can exist without being created.
Look under the heading "The Theodice Problem".
Here is some of the information. Read the rest at your leisure.
There is much evidence from both the Bible and from science that demonstrates God must exist and operate in dimensions of space and time other than those to which we are confined. God could not have created the universe if He were only a part of it. The Bible says the universe cannot contain Him (1).
According to particle physics and relativity, at least ten dimensions of space existed at the creation of the universe (2). Three of these dimensions (plus time) formed the space-time manifold that we can directly observe. The other six of these dimensions exist within the universe as incredibly compact dimensions of space. God must be able to operate in all of those ten dimensions plus more in order to have created the universe. A verse from the book of Hebrews suggests God created the universe out of some of the dimensions of space and time which are not visible to us (3).
The God of the Bible is invisible and cannot be seen except if He reveals Himself to us in a three-dimensional form that we can see. A being which exists in dimensions beyond our three spatial dimensions would be invisible to creatures (us) that can only exist in the confines of our universe (4).
Acting outside of time
The God of the Bible is described as omnipotent. If God were confined to three dimensions of space and one dimension of time, then He could be in only one place at one time. The God of the Bible is described as knowing all that we do (5). We can hide nothing from God. A three-dimensional God would not have the ability to see through walls (Can you?) and could not know what happens outside of his sight.
Stephen Hawking, George Ellis, and Roger Penrose extended the equations for general relativity to include space and time (6). Not only space, but also time has a beginning - at the moment of creation. Studies in particle physics have shown that our dimension of time is really only half a dimension, since time can only move forward (7) (forget the time travel movies - this is scientifically impossible). If God existed in only one dimension of time, then He would have had to have been created at one point. The Bible says God was not created, but has existed from eternity past to eternity future. The Bible also suggests God created time and was acting before time began (8), confirming that God exists either outside of time altogether or in at least two dimensions of time. In addition, the Bible states God can compress or expand our time line (9), based upon what He wants to do. For God to turn a day into 1000 years and 1000 years into a day requires that He exist external to our dimension of time.
This web page (an Atheist one) has many fine articles that opened my eyes to the truth about many topics, including "Intelligent Design vs Evolution" and provides some examples of how complex the Universe isn't. It also asks how is it that beings supposedly created by God could have so many physical imperfections that cause us no end of pain. I won't link any articles as they are very long.
I'm not attempting to change your mind or argue with you. I'm simply sharing information from both sides of the fence to better arm you against critics. I myself am Agnostic bordering on Atheism. I'm not an Atheist merely because I have had some unusual experiences in my life that I haven't been able to find answers to as of yet. I donot however believe in the Bible. The truth-saves.com website (linked) gave some pretty good information to finally convince me (although I had been wavering on this topic for some time from my own research).
@Larsinger58 LOL Still think you're Jesus eh?