If the Supreme Court ever decides that a corporation is a person then someone could charge the WTS with committing adultery with the UN. Adultery is illegal in New York.
i'd like to recoup 50 years of my life.
i'd like to be compensated for lost wages & opportunities.
i'm sure others have lost much more.
If the Supreme Court ever decides that a corporation is a person then someone could charge the WTS with committing adultery with the UN. Adultery is illegal in New York.
when i was a jw, the key issue that caused me to doubt the wt was the trinity.
the wtb&ts's blatent misquotations and misrepresentations of religious scholarship to fit their anti-trinitarian presuppositions are horrid and inexcusable.
that issue, however, was not the issue that caused me to become a christian.
i'm looking for suggestions of songs that make you think about your escape from mind control.
please reply with your suggestion.. here's a youtube playlist i just made.
may you all have peace!
in light of some discussions on the board lately, i would like to ask... and hope you can be sincere in your response:.
which concerns you more: truth... or consensus?is truth, in your opinion, only that which is known/has been proven (however you deem "proof") thus far?can something be true, albeit not yet proven?does truth "change"?please know that i am not looking for right or wrong answers/responses.
4) Truth is also relative to the experiences of the person. So just because some may have thought that at one time that the Earth was flat does not mean it actually was/is. The opinion of the person is based upon the evidence at hand at that time. Many people shared this belief until ones such as Ferdinand Magellan proved otherwise. Some were still skeptical until balloons were invented that allowed persons to reach high altitudes and see the curvature of the Earth. Still others remained skeptical until modern space flight enabled satellites to take pictures of the Earth from orbit, showing it's not flat at all.
So no, the Earth wasn't flat except in the minds of those who held that opinion based upon the evidence they had when they formed their opinions. Truth is something that can and does change. History has shown this countless times.
Today's Truth is Yesterday's Myth.
how could judas be blamed, for an action pre-planned by god.
wasn't he destined?, what are your views on the matter?.
Yeah I took the video down because of an article I found a few minutes later on Gerald Massey.
Although the iconography is fascinating.
A visual journey highlighting comparisons between the Egyptian religion and the religions of the rest of the world in their use of symbols and imagery.
Might be hard for some to watch.
how could judas be blamed, for an action pre-planned by god.
wasn't he destined?, what are your views on the matter?.
It could have just as easily have been Peter. He was quick to anger and did deny knowing Jesus to save his own skin.
Judas' motivation seems to have been just money, which in today's modern currency is around 25 to 40,000 US dollars. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080123221514AAo1aTA
Not a paltry sum to be sure as it amounted to a year's wages for the highest earners of the time.
Still it just seems a little too cut and dry for me.
as if the other sept. 15th wt thread i started weren't controlling enough - in another study article titled " run ..... that you may attain it " were you aware that just eating and wearing clothes on your body - might be a " stumbling block " to you ?
in a prior article on pg.
12 , paragraph 6 the wt society sets up what they are trying to get across by stating, " people of the world tend to seek personal interests first as " men of this system of things, whose share is this life.
Thanks Mr. Flipper for yet another excellent post exposing WT hypocrisy.
I think what the WTS is trying to do is get people to donate more money. If they're not spending it on expensive clothes, gadgets, cars or a bigger house then they (the JW's) will have more money to donate to the Society. It smacks of Jim Jones and The People's Temple in that they gave him everything they owned and he used that money to purchase property in Guyana where he could control them directly. Or like in the case of David Koresh and the Branch Davidians, same scenario. Give up everything you have, give it to us and we'll take care of you. Problem is history has shown just how good the WTS isn't at taking care of it's own.
I also think that admonishing people to spend less time in work will ultimately by the undoing of the WTS as people will be forced to choose between their family and donating money to an already vastly enriched publishing company who will abandon them at the slightest sign of insubordination.
may you all have peace!
in light of some discussions on the board lately, i would like to ask... and hope you can be sincere in your response:.
which concerns you more: truth... or consensus?is truth, in your opinion, only that which is known/has been proven (however you deem "proof") thus far?can something be true, albeit not yet proven?does truth "change"?please know that i am not looking for right or wrong answers/responses.
1) Which concerns you MORE: truth... or consensus?
2) Is truth, in your opinion, ONLY that which is known/has been proven (however you deem "proof") thus far?
3) Can something be true, albeit not YET proven?
4) Does truth "change"?
1) Truth
2) Yes
3) No. Then it's Theory which is a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.
4) Yes. Only in the sense that evidence is found or discovered that refutes or confirms the previous Truth. An example would be the supposition that the Earth was flat, proved wrong by Mariners, (such as Ferdinand Magellan's circumnavigation of the Earth).