Another bump for a great thread.
JoinedPosts by maninthemiddle
Rutherford's Views on Women
by Leolaia in"the women make monkeys or dupes of men.
the men have before effeminate, soft and easily influenced and have lost their real manhood and sturdiness in the affairs of state and home.
for instance, when men are sitting at a table and a woman approaches, all the men arise and pay her homage and thereby elevate her to a place above men.
Does being a JW make you narcissistic
by wyorobert ini am one of the few people on earth who never had a jehovah's witness knock on my door.
my wife was the first witness i ever met.
i did notice certain personality traits after being around some of the people who left the religion.
I think it does, now, how much they act on the view depends on the person. Many I have known are very nice and I don't belive they would have treated you that way. However I also know plenty that would have. since I have never had the "outside" view I can't speak from experince.
My own family will treat "worldly" family members graciously, then afterwards lament how they will "never make it", and it "is too bad'.
Ignoring the good that they do. most of them are christian and wonderful people, just not part of the "correct" group.
When was the book of Matthew written?
by ssn587 inin the nwt it says at the back that matthew was written in 41ce.
how do they base this, as i have read books by scholars that say it had to be much later.
possibly in the 60's ce or even later.
From here:
Matthew was also said to have written the very first Gospel [66] [67] [68] in Hebrew near Jerusalem for Hebrew Christians and it was translated into Greek, but the Greek copy was lost. The Hebrew original was kept at the Library of Caesarea. The Nazarene Community transcribed a copy for Jerome which he used in his work. [69] Matthew's Gospel was called the Gospel according to the Hebrews,&dq=Hebrew+%22Gospel+of+matthew%22+%22in+the+New+Testament+expounded+and+declared+the+gospel+in+Hebrew+%22+%22Gospel+according+to+the+Hebrews+%22+Cerinthus+Merinthus or sometimes the Gospel of the Apostles [70] [71] and it was once believed that it was the original to the Greek Matthew found in the Bible, although this is currently disputed by modern Biblical Scholars. [8]
When was the book of Matthew written?
by ssn587 inin the nwt it says at the back that matthew was written in 41ce.
how do they base this, as i have read books by scholars that say it had to be much later.
possibly in the 60's ce or even later.
I can't find any mention of "subscriptions" in matthew.
This says the earileiest anyone is willing to propose is 63.
Date of gospel
Biblical scholars generally hold that Matthew was composed between the years c. 70 and 100. [72] [73] [74] [75] A minority of scholars believe, however, that the gospel could have been written as early as 63 AD. [8] Ignatius seemed to have knowledge of four Pauline epistles and the Gospel of Matthew" [76] , which gives a terminus ad quem of c. 110. The author of the Didache (c 100) probably knew it as well. [7] Many scholars see the prophecy of the siege and destruction of Jerusalem [77] as suggesting a date of composition after the year 70. [78] However, John A. T. Robinson argues that the lack of a passage indicating the fulfillment of the prophecy suggests an earlier date. [79] . Futhermore theGospel of Matthew does not mention the death of James in 62 nor the persecutions of the early Christians by Nero.This view has been challenged by two scholars almost a century apart, The Reverend C. B. Huleatt and Carsten Peter Thiede. In December 1994, Carsten Peter Thiede redated the Magdalen papyrus, which bears a fragment from the Gospel of Matthew, to roughly the year 60 on palaeographical grounds, and thus the Gospel of Matthew could have been written by an eye-witness to Jesus. [80] [81] [82] According to many scholars, however, it is not necessary for the gospel to have been written at an early date, in order for the apostle to have written it. [8] Many scholars who hold that the apostle wrote the gospel contend that Matthew's old age might have been the motivating factor behind the writing of the book.
When was the book of Matthew written?
by ssn587 inin the nwt it says at the back that matthew was written in 41ce.
how do they base this, as i have read books by scholars that say it had to be much later.
possibly in the 60's ce or even later.
Here is the official answer. I need to research the subscriptins mentioned, because I also have learned it to be much later.
*** si p. 176 par. 6 Bible Book Number 40—Matthew ***
6 Matthew wrote his account in Palestine. The exact year is not known, but subscriptions at the end of some manuscripts (all later than the tenth century C.E.) say that it was 41 C.E. There is evidence to indicate that Matthew originally wrote his Gospel in the popular Hebrew of the time and later translated it into Greek. In his work De viris inlustribus (Concerning Illustrious Men), chapter III, Jerome says: “Matthew, who is also Levi, and who from a publican came to be an apostle, first of all composed a Gospel of Christ in Judaea in the Hebrew language and characters for the benefit of those of the circumcision who had believed.” Jerome adds that the Hebrew text of this Gospel was preserved in his day (fourth and fifth centuries C.E.) in the library that Pamphilus had collected in Caesarea.
"JWs are dead right on the blood doctrine"
by sabastious injust got this message on my youtube:.
jehovah's witnesses are dead right.
your understanding is false and not up to date .
You [..] will resort to INSULTS and DEGRADING LYING statements to OFFEND people
sab, how could you?
Oh, yeah, you didn't, he did.
Good job
LIES, DAMN LIES, AND APOSTATES- Part II A Message To Mr. Fearon of The Sex Screens
by PublishingCult in
LOL, good one...PC, you got a good voice for radio.
I second the question.
You are missed.
'When we have such a large and loving organization, why should we have fellowship with the world?'
by Joliette injah gave us such a loving organization, full of brothers and sisters, full of unity no matter the race, culture, gender or background, the loving faithful and discreet slave with jesus christ as its mediator, the channel, between jesus and us, why should we seek assoication with the world???.
can anyone answer this question....why should we??
is there any reason for assoication with the world?.
Because this is a large organization full of many people who are only interested in ladder climbing, back stabbing, keeping up appearances.
I hope this is satire because this part really scares me:
the loving faithful and discreet slave with Jesus christ as its mediator, the channel, between Jesus and us
May 2011 Awake quotes a moron! Not that it surprises...
by Pika_Chu inyour amazing brain.
how does your brain feel, hear, see, and.
The cognative dissonance must be strong in this one.
At least they he really is a scientist. Seems like such a waste.