Black Sheep, Yes, that is a CO. I don't know his age, but he is on the older side of the scale.
Zid, he really did not sound quite that bad in person, but he did sound to me like a person that was going out of their way to sound humble.
MFree.. I haven't read the book but I am familiar with the argument. I thought that they had dropped the whole earthquake increase thng along time ago. I thought they realized how stupid an argument it is.
I think we may have some deaf on the board so I wanted to summarize this clip.
a. reads Matt 24 emphasis on earthquakes.
b. says earth quakes have increades since 1914.
c. "they" don't know why (i don't know who "they" is)
d. every time he gives this talk he looks at a website and the number of earthquakes are up.
e. scientists are lying to us about the number of earthquakes and resons for increase.
f. not all scientists are liers because some are our "brothers and sisters"