Thanks Cedars. Yes I've noticed when they republish publications, they modify certains things in the new versions. Sometimes because of doctrinal changes..
JoinedPosts by yalbmert99
Watchtower Library NOT identical to printed publications
by cedars ini realise the title of this thread will come as no surprise to many of you.
i've certainly heard before of subtle variations between extracts from the watchtower library and the actual printed literature.. what i didn't expect was to find this openly admitted to in the license agreement for the watchtower library, where it says in article 4:.
4. limited warranty.
Anonymous Message to Watchtower
by jwleaks in
hello citizens of the world.
we are anonymous.. dear brothers and sisters,.
it was down for maybe 30 mins or more?
Anonymous Message to Watchtower
by jwleaks in
hello citizens of the world.
we are anonymous.. dear brothers and sisters,.
It's back up now
Anonymous Message to Watchtower
by jwleaks in
hello citizens of the world.
we are anonymous.. dear brothers and sisters,.
Yup it's down too for me...strange
Anonymous Message to Watchtower
by jwleaks in
hello citizens of the world.
we are anonymous.. dear brothers and sisters,.
Oh ok Cedars, Sorry!
Anonymous Message to Watchtower
by jwleaks in
hello citizens of the world.
we are anonymous.. dear brothers and sisters,.
Anonymous doesn't have an organization and has no leader.
Anonymous Message to Watchtower
by jwleaks in
hello citizens of the world.
we are anonymous.. dear brothers and sisters,.
Super nice work!
Press Release International Conference in Montreal Brings Together Experts on Cults, Psychological Abuse, and New Religious Movements
by Dogpatch infor immediate release: contact michael kropveld (1-514-274-2333;.
[email protected]) or michael langone (1-239-514-3081;.
They spoke of it in the news in Quebec(Canada)
"Jusqu'à samedi, Montréal accueille un congrès international sur le phénomène des sectes. L'objectif de ces rencontres est de mieux comprendre et susciter le débat sur les raisons qui peuvent conduire une personne à intégrer un tel mouvement. L'International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), l'un des plus grands organismes professionnels dans le domaine, organise ce congrès avec l'association Info-Secte. Des chercheurs ainsi que des membres et ex-membres de mouvements sectaires participent à des ateliers de discussion. « Le but du congrès est d'encourager des débats, mais en même temps de reconnaître que des gens sont victimisés [sic] à cause d'une expérience dans certains mouvements », a expliqué le directeur général d'Info-Secte, Mike Kropveld. L'association, basée à Montréal, tenait depuis longtemps à ce que ce congrès se tienne dans la métropole québécoise. Des tables rondes sont organisées, en français et en anglais. Le Centre international de criminologie comparée (CICC) de l'Université de Montréal tient également un colloque intitulé Manipulation et victimisation en contexte religieux : connaissances et controverses. Info-Secte, une organisation montréalaise Fondée en 1980 à Montréal, l'association Info-Secte a pour but de promouvoir l'étude des phénomènes sectaires, de sensibiliser, informer et éduquer la population à ces phénomènes. L'organisation se fixe également comme but de venir en aide aux personnes qui ont été victimes d'abus à la suite de leur adhésion."
Anonymous speaks of Candace Conti's case
by yalbmert99 in
In case anyone is wondering why the Toronto Star reporter mixed up my website with JWN, here's the answer. Sorry Simon!
by AndersonsInfo in
barbara anderson, a former jehovahs witness who worked at the watchtower, runs a website called from her tennessee home.
she told the star that since the conti ruling, her 10,000-member discussion board, which includes many canadians, has lit up with people telling their own stories of abuse and wanting to know how to pursue action.