JoinedPosts by freydo
From hard core JW Christian to Atheist within 5 months?
by cyberjesus ini found this video and it summarizes it very simple.
i hope you enjoy it.
life is too short to waste it on fairy tales..
From hard core JW Christian to Atheist within 5 months?
by cyberjesus ini found this video and it summarizes it very simple.
i hope you enjoy it.
life is too short to waste it on fairy tales..
One extreme to the other
The Pastor cancels Quran BBQ.........
by Judge Dread in
judge dread .
isn't it a shame that this is the first conflict in which we haven't used propaganda as a weapon? Imagine if the Middle East Islamic countries were showered with leaflets that inform them that there is no historical or archaeological evidence that Mecca ever existed before pagan immigrants settled it in the 4th century and built their kaaba for moon, sun, star and demon worship in the early 5th century!
Their imams would likely have to field a lot of questions. The cat would be out of the bag. They would be made to feel like a bunch of pagan buffoons. They would leave Islam in mass.
Maybe a similar thing could be done at Kingdom Halls.
Pastor to burn Koran
by beksbks inus pastor says will burn koran despite petraeus concerns
tue sep 7, 9:21 am et end .byline washington (afp) the pastor of a small florida church said tuesday he will go ahead with his plans to hold a koran burning this week, despite warnings by the us commander of the afghan war of violent reactions in the islamic world.terry jones, who heads the dove world outreach center in gainesville florida, said he had given "serious" consideration to the concerns expressed by general david petraeus over plans to torch a koran to mark the ninth anniversary of the september 11 terror attacks, but said he would proceed anyway.. "we are taking the general's words very serious.
we are continuing to pray about the action on september 11th," he said.. nevertheless, he said "we have firmly made up our mind" to go ahead with burning the muslim holy book.. "i mean, how long, when does america stand for truth?
"I really don't understand the denial and the hypocrisy that is directed toward this President. Why can't Americans just admit the truth and say it: America has succumbed to Islam............
(The Americans ceased calling themselves "Christians" on January 6, 2009.)
"And the Demon opened his mouth to blaspheme against God, to blaspheme against His Name and His Abode, and against those who dwell in Heaven. And he was given authority over all generations and nations and tongues and peoples, and he was given authority to do battle with the saints and to defeat them. And they worshipped him, all of them who dwelled on earth, those whose name is not written in the book of Life, the Book of Life of the Lamb who was sacrificed from the foundations of the universe.
(42 months after the Americans betrayed Jesus will be June 6, 2012.)"
June 6th 1967 btw - was when Jews retook control of Jerusalem - what the west doesn't seem to grasp is that islam has been at war with the west for 1300 years and now it's getting serious. As was stated on another forum - "we can either persevere, or roll over as nearly the whole known world did, until the First Islamic Jihad arrived in Tour France and was defeated by Charles "Martel" (the hammer) and again in Vienna Austria." -
They are obviously well funded and well organized and totally committed to one goal. Destruction of Western Civilization.
Pastor to burn Koran
by beksbks inus pastor says will burn koran despite petraeus concerns
tue sep 7, 9:21 am et end .byline washington (afp) the pastor of a small florida church said tuesday he will go ahead with his plans to hold a koran burning this week, despite warnings by the us commander of the afghan war of violent reactions in the islamic world.terry jones, who heads the dove world outreach center in gainesville florida, said he had given "serious" consideration to the concerns expressed by general david petraeus over plans to torch a koran to mark the ninth anniversary of the september 11 terror attacks, but said he would proceed anyway.. "we are taking the general's words very serious.
we are continuing to pray about the action on september 11th," he said.. nevertheless, he said "we have firmly made up our mind" to go ahead with burning the muslim holy book.. "i mean, how long, when does america stand for truth?
Trying to get the Ground Zero mega-mosque moved, Governor Paterson offers to make Islam New York's state-sponsored religion
I was so pleased that a sitting politician actually came out against the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero that I completely overlooked this crucial aspect of Governor Paterson's offer of state land for mosque. His heart is in the right place in trying to get the triumphal mosque away from Ground Zero, but giving state land for this would amount to New York state sponsorship of Islam. "Shariah law in the U.S.: Gov. Paterson offers to make Islam the state-sponsored religion of New York," by Bryan Fischer at Rightly Concerned, August 13 (thanks to Miriam):
When Gov. David Paterson of New York stepped into the breach to offer a resolution to the exploding controversy over building the Ground Zero mosque, he quite deliberately offered to grant Islam a favored status under New York public policy that is denied to Christian churches.
Here's what the governor said (emphasis mine): "If the sponsors were looking for property anywhere at a distance that would be such that it would accommodate a better feeling among the people who are frustrated, I would look into trying to provide them with the state property they would need."
He added some mumbo-jumbo about a competitive bidding process, but that was obviously just for show. If he wants to provide state land for a mosque, trust me, he will find a way, and his liberal friends will back him to the hilt.
Offering to provide government property for a house of worship normally would provoke howls of outrage from our hypersensitive friends on the left, who see grotesque breaches of the wall of separation between church and state even where the wall of their fevered imaginations doesn't exist.
Can you imagine the firestorm that would have erupted had the good governor offered to find state property for a Christian church? He'd have been dragged into court by the ACLU so fast it'd give him a nosebleed....
Pastor to burn Koran
by beksbks inus pastor says will burn koran despite petraeus concerns
tue sep 7, 9:21 am et end .byline washington (afp) the pastor of a small florida church said tuesday he will go ahead with his plans to hold a koran burning this week, despite warnings by the us commander of the afghan war of violent reactions in the islamic world.terry jones, who heads the dove world outreach center in gainesville florida, said he had given "serious" consideration to the concerns expressed by general david petraeus over plans to torch a koran to mark the ninth anniversary of the september 11 terror attacks, but said he would proceed anyway.. "we are taking the general's words very serious.
we are continuing to pray about the action on september 11th," he said.. nevertheless, he said "we have firmly made up our mind" to go ahead with burning the muslim holy book.. "i mean, how long, when does america stand for truth?
With the exception of the Far East, that's pretty much a map of the then known world.
Pastor to burn Koran
by beksbks inus pastor says will burn koran despite petraeus concerns
tue sep 7, 9:21 am et end .byline washington (afp) the pastor of a small florida church said tuesday he will go ahead with his plans to hold a koran burning this week, despite warnings by the us commander of the afghan war of violent reactions in the islamic world.terry jones, who heads the dove world outreach center in gainesville florida, said he had given "serious" consideration to the concerns expressed by general david petraeus over plans to torch a koran to mark the ninth anniversary of the september 11 terror attacks, but said he would proceed anyway.. "we are taking the general's words very serious.
we are continuing to pray about the action on september 11th," he said.. nevertheless, he said "we have firmly made up our mind" to go ahead with burning the muslim holy book.. "i mean, how long, when does america stand for truth?
Muslimism is like a disease that has to be killed before it kills the host.
"Those that ignore history........"
Ramadan 2010 Scorecard -
The Hyporcrisy is Overwhelming
"There is a reason why over fifty million Americans voted for a man who was raised as a Muslim. Now he is President and people are wondering why he supports the building of a mosque near the site of the annihilated World Trade Center and the ground where hundreds of thousands of Americans were killed, maimed and poisoned by the dust of the smashed Twin Towers........."
Who promotes the earlier date for the composition of Daniel?
by Doug Mason ini have been researching the "70 sevens" prophecy at daniel 9:24ff.. one topic relates to determining the date when daniel was written.
the www provides unnumerable hits on the subject.. i wondered if everyone who promotes the earlier 6th century bce date of composition interpret chapter 9 as referring to jesus christ.. i likewise i wondered whether everyone who promotes the later 164 bce date says chapter 9 refers to antiochus epiphanes.. is it possible that anyone who believes in the earlier date of the composition of daniel also believes that the writer was predicting the activities of antiochus epiphanes?.
Our Nation gets sicker every day, and the Cops aren't helping!!!
by ohiocowboy inthis disgusts me to no can this be not illegal???
what ever happened to "serve and protect"?.
".........Therefore, with White Christianity fractured and floundering, there is a new movement that has emerged from the Mormon Church, which interestingly is named "The Church of the Latter Day Saints". This White Church grew out in Protestant America and claims that Jesus came to America first and preached Salvation to the Native Americans (and therefore to the White Americans as well, though they came a few centuries later to America.) The Mormons believe in a different hierarchy of faith (the three heavens doctrine), they have their own prophet of the Old Testament (Maroni), and a different order of sainthood. Now that there is a German Pope in the Vatican, (who was in a Nazi youth organization during WW II, but who later renounced Nazism, of course) and the White Churches that have extended their hand to the moderate Muslim leaders of the world, there is the emergence of a new coalition to rescue White Christianity from the oblivion where it is headed. From its origin and by definition this coalition is fascist. Will this coalition succeed in taking over the US in the next Presidential Election, in 2012, and will it be able to rescue White Christianity from the abyss? Only time will tell." -
Is Alcohol Bad For You?
by sabastious ini have heard from some credible sources that any alcohol consumption is technically not good for you as our digestive system is not designed for fermentation intake.
i have read studies that say the same thing.. how much credence do you give the concept that any alchohol is technically not good for you?.
As it was expressed once in a movie, "there's more old drunks than there are old doctors."