This is how jw's get rid of internal investigators.
It's the way witnesses to the JFK tragedy disappeared.
Yesterday was like a wake.
Do you wonder why there are no Protestants on the Supreme Court?
Connect the dots.
1) when confronted with evidence of child molestation, doing the bare legal minimum is not enough morally.
2) a carefully honed and managed reputation can be destroyed literally overnight if immoral actions / inactions are brought to light.
3) no matter how "high up" someone is, he is still accountable for his actions / inactions, and will have to pay consequences for wrong choices.
This is how jw's get rid of internal investigators.
It's the way witnesses to the JFK tragedy disappeared.
Yesterday was like a wake.
Do you wonder why there are no Protestants on the Supreme Court?
Connect the dots.
1) when confronted with evidence of child molestation, doing the bare legal minimum is not enough morally.
2) a carefully honed and managed reputation can be destroyed literally overnight if immoral actions / inactions are brought to light.
3) no matter how "high up" someone is, he is still accountable for his actions / inactions, and will have to pay consequences for wrong choices.
Missing DA Was Tied To Sandusky Case
".......Fox 29 has confirmed the FBI has an open file on Gricar but it’s unknown if the case is still active.
But a missing person's poster for Gricar is still on the FBI Web site, even though Gricar was legally declared dead in July 2011.
So what happened to Gricar?......... "
1) when confronted with evidence of child molestation, doing the bare legal minimum is not enough morally.
2) a carefully honed and managed reputation can be destroyed literally overnight if immoral actions / inactions are brought to light.
3) no matter how "high up" someone is, he is still accountable for his actions / inactions, and will have to pay consequences for wrong choices.
Nebraska 17-14 FINAL
JOE-PA UNDER HOUSE ARREST. Graduate Assistant in protective custody. Cardinal Sandusky free on bail.
As pagan America honors the PIG(skin) on Yahweh's Sabbath
1) when confronted with evidence of child molestation, doing the bare legal minimum is not enough morally.
2) a carefully honed and managed reputation can be destroyed literally overnight if immoral actions / inactions are brought to light.
3) no matter how "high up" someone is, he is still accountable for his actions / inactions, and will have to pay consequences for wrong choices.
"....If you look at Penn State as the Catholic Church, and Paterno as the pope, and Sandusky as a cardinal, then what was McQueary — a graduate assistant on the football team at the time — supposed to do?
Maybe McQueary’s whole world, whole belief system, whole future was in jeopardy. Who was going to believe McQueary? His own life and future were on the line. And if people did believe him, then the church of Penn State could come crashing down.
Now, Paterno comes off as the Great Hypocrite.
That’s because he turned Penn State into a church, basically. And it is such a dangerous, yet accepted, thing to treat football as a religion.
McQueary grew up worshipping that Penn State church. Now, he’s in hiding.
Paterno followed the rules, didn’t he? His legal obligation was to inform his superiors. That’s what he did. It wasn’t enough.
It is particularly galling in the NCAA, where the path to righteousness is supposedly based on following an NCAA rulebook that is wholly flawed. We have too many examples of coaches reaching legendary status by following rules and, as a result, getting a pass if they fail to exhibit the kind of behavior we should really expect.’
It is so easy to compare this scandal to similar allegations that the Catholic Church has battled. In both cases, you can’t get past the question of whether people may have covered for someone they knew did wrong.
“In both cases, they are powerful, popular institutions,’’ Clohessy said.“Rigid, mostly male hierarchies. They focus on public image rather than public safety. They have a desire to handle things quietly and internally, rather than handle it appropriately and externally.
It felt like a wake. And while it was touching, it also was an insult to the victims.
In the end, protocol and rules were followed. People say we are a nation of laws. But Paterno lives trapped in his home. And McQueary is in protective custody, real or figurative. All for following the rules."
watchtower society of new york president max larson died today at the age of 96.. served in bethel since 1938 (73 yrs at bethel) long before geoffrey jackson & anthony morris of the gb were even born..
Ephesians 4:11-12
" So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, ",,,,,,,nothing`there`about`presidents,,,,,,,(
hi everyone.
as a parting gift to you all before i take a much needed break from this forum, i thought you would be pleased to know that the independent, a leading uk newspaper, will be publishing a piece on the "mentally diseased" watchtower article in tomorrow's edition.. i would like to thank everybody who has assisted the journalist, jerome taylor, in his investigation.. best wishes to all of you,.
Sounds like same hate language Obama supporters,`and assorted`libs,`use when criticized
just felt a tremor in boston and was on the phone when it happened with a coworker in dc - shook the building there :).
must be the last days!.
(CNN) -- A moderate 5.3-magnitude earthquake that rattled southern Colorado early Tuesday morning was the largest to hit the state in more than 40 years, the U.S. Geological Survey said.
just felt a tremor in boston and was on the phone when it happened with a coworker in dc - shook the building there :).
must be the last days!.
cosby has harsh words for black community
by don babwin, associated press writer
chicago - bill cosby (news) went off on another tirade against the black community thursday, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere.
"And all sinners will be destroyed; there will be no future for the wicked."
cosby has harsh words for black community
by don babwin, associated press writer
chicago - bill cosby (news) went off on another tirade against the black community thursday, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere.
And how bout N. Koreans for guards.
And right in the middle of the camp the Barrack H. Obama Memorial Gallows. (Free for any use - no charge for rope.)
Vultures would be imported to do away with the carnage.
Include divorce attorneys, pedophiles and TSA agents that I forgot to mention.