JoinedTopics Started by maputo95
The Marks the WT is God's Only Org on Earth
by maputo95 inwith monotous regularity, my jw friend says the proof that the org is god's only divinely inspired org on earth is the fact that they go door to door.
how should i respond to this convuluted logic?.
Please Comment on this Textual Exchange with a Jehovah's Witness
by maputo95 ini welcome any comments on the most recent dialogue i had with an ex-jw who wants to be readmitted after 44 years of disfellowship.
talk about returning to one's own... somebody stop me:there seems to be a lack of affinity and reality in our recent textual exchange on the subject, originated by you that armaggeddon is imminent or highly likely to happen very soon because signs cited in the gospel of matthew are increasing alarmingly.
derek, thank you for your concern for me and what you think is your attempt to save me by getting me to become one of jws who will be spared.
Please Comment on My Com to My JW Friend
by maputo95 inplease comment on my latest com with my jw friend who thinks every apostate left because they were doing wrong things themselves:it seems that every time we have a theological discussion or i comment on books written by ex-jws, you resort to extreme finger-pointing and judgmentalism against any church or organization that is not part of the watchtower movement.
i can understand why after a childhood of being informed by the wt you should do this.
firstly, the jw line is every 'apostate' is evil and has left the wt because he was sinning and couldn't live up to the 'high standards' of 'god's organisation on earth'.
A JW's Exposition On WT's Beliefs on the Afterlife
by maputo95 inmy personal view on the nature of the soul and the afterlife are almost diametrically opposed to those of the wt.
below is my jw's friend justification for the wt belief that the dead are extinct and conscious of nothing.
please comment on the strength of the explanation he gives:.
My JW Friend's Justification for the WT Being God's Chosen Organisation
by maputo95 inbelow is my jw friend's "proof" that the wt is god's only organisation and mouthpiece on earth.
he has yet to reinforce his strange story by biblical text or the church fathers or any historical evidence.. please, suggest how i may respond to his assertion.
i believe that this is the fundamental doctrine of the 'borg' and the one on which wt credibility rests.. thank you.. .
Please Suggest An Answer to This Conversation Stopper
by maputo95 inplease suggest an answer to this conversation stopper: i sent the first statement and he responded with the 2nd statement:.
the bible forbids "taking in" blood.
Logical Fallacies Jws Use to Win Debates
by maputo95 inplease feel free to contribute any experience you may have on dishonest tricks jws use to put their fallacious, moronic agenda across.
i have not touched upon 'red herrings' and 'circular arguments' below:.
the best way to ge through to a jw is to pray for him.
The Final Remark from a JW after 1200 Emails
by maputo95 inafter 1250 emails between my friend, derek and i discussing why i am a catholic.
and not a jw and after sending him verses about how christ wants to come into.
our lives etc, i came to the conclusion, my friend who had not uttered one.
The Blood Issue-My Exchange with a JW
by maputo95 indear all.
please free to comment on the exchange below, i am having with an ex-jw who is thinking of returning to the wtbts after being inactive for 30 years:.
the mark of a cult is not following buddha.
by maputo95 indo you have the revelation, its grand climax at hand" book"?
it is a fascinating book backed up throughout with scriptures will open your eyes but you must read it from beginning to end.. the above is a quote from my jw friend, inactive for 30 years and thinking of sheepishly returning.
is the book cited above a scholarly and dependable commentary on revelation?.