Vidiot12 minutes ago
It's similar to, "Our thoughts and prayers are with those poor starving children in Africa"...
...but not actual food, which is what they really need.
AMEN to that
here is a quote from a w/t article a few years ago.
in all the 8 kh i attended [work locations changed] not one body of elders followed this direction, so if they are not minding the sheep who is?
it galls me that they will quickly act if you grow a beard, or voice an opinion, or ask a question, but when your family fall foul of abuse where are the elders then?.
It's similar to, "Our thoughts and prayers are with those poor starving children in Africa"...
...but not actual food, which is what they really need.
AMEN to that
before another day goes past please, summarize the outcome in dot points of the royal commission so far.
for me in no order;.
that the wt considers sex crimes against children of little importance.
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how we found out about microwaves - isaac asimov.
how we found out beginning of life - isaac asimov.
For something to be science it has to be falsefiable ...Karl Popper is your man ❤
Thanks for sharing, as always. This is great for my 9 yr olds, and me!
from day 5 testimony:.
stewart - with regard to confessional privilege which you mention in various places, but, for example, let's look at your paragraph 29. .
toole - paragraph 29?
so each of the attendants at the glasgow convention this weekend have all been handed a photo of some guy that has been disrupting conventions in the uk.
(the same one as in london i read about a couple of weeks ago?
apparently he was sighted at the glasgow convention today, though there was no disruption as far as i know.. has anyone else ever heard of photo i.d.
Notsurewheretogo. saying that there is a weird guy going around with a very long beard and he looks well dodgy...
It's obviously Santa putting in a personal appearance to prove to all the JW kids he really does exsist...
recently, several threads have had some debate about logic, evidence, critical thinking and skepticism.
i wanted to write a post discussing those things, hopefully to clarify what those things are, why they are important and how to use those tools.
first, logic, at its core, is simply a method for how to reason validly, how to draw conclusions based on a premise.
Hi viv, I didn't open my eyes until I did a philosophy module at the open I totally agree that the Borg's ban on higher education as a way of keeping the "sheeple" ignorant and willing to accept any rubbish they print, is a huge block in getting them to realize ttatt.
I understand the most of your post, but I wonder if you have the time, if you explain the following as you lost me....
In computing, logical operators are used often, AND, NAND, OR, XOR, etc., are used to evaluate expressions and return results, for example, if A>0 AND B>0, then return a value of 1, else return 0".
as the story of "annointed" ones goes.....when their spouse is left behind on earth, are they free to remarry?
that would kinda suck, being in heaven...watching the wifey , or hubby gettin doinked by someone new.
just sayin.....shewt...i got way too much time on my hands..
You and me both. I've been mullin' over that one since I was about 15..our elders wife was anointed but he wasn't.
I just figured she was just so super good that she didn't suffer with our lowly emotions such as jelousy or even curiosity. I used to imagine her watching me poop and all sorts. Oh the worries of an indictrinated yoof are many...
one of the jw high-ups questioned by the australian royal commission (i think it was o'brien) stated that those who had disassociated (as opposed to being disfellowshipped) do not have to undergo a lengthy reinstatement procedure of proving repentance over many months, but can simply ask to be reinstated immediately.
is this true?
has anyone heard of this ever happening?.
One brother also moaned about DA'd brothers or sisters walking straight back to the WTS, saying something along the lines of "she can do what she wants for a number of years, while we ['the faithful'] have to suffer being JWs".
ILMAO. Should have said "you've got an eternity of it to look forward to mate..rarther you than me!"
Good O.P.
there have been many gratifying moments during the royal commission's investigation into the watchtower society's handling of child abuse cases.
pulling apart the inept dr appewhites "expert" testimony, incompetant dozy elders hung out to dry, o'brien and toole's obfuscations and outright lies to name but few.. surely though in the long term in order to secure adequate redress, or compensation, for victims the grouping together of the wtbts with other of chrisendom's churches, is tantamount to admitting complicity in the sins of all reliigous institutions.
in other words the jw's are a church of sinners just like any i understand it each org will contribute an amount comensurate with the no of their members and other calculations such as no of cases of abuse far the big boys (contributors)will be the catholic church and the jw's.the fds better start thinking on their feet as to how they are gonna explain this one away.. "get out of her my people if you do not want a share in her sins".
Is the RC suggesting that institutions found to be mishandling child sex abuse claims should make contributions to a general fund which would then be used to compensate victims? Am I understanding your statement correctly?
Yes, I believe that is what is being suggested. How good would that be ?!they had what the chair, Peter Maclellen called Closed meetings, or something similar, to discuss redress and the Australia Branch co ordinator seemed open to this idea.
Sorry for late reply, I think we are in different time zones.
shout out to jwfacts.. just saw the drum.
excellent job !
Paul you were fantastic, we are so grateful to you. Consice, clear and straight to the point.So glad you mentioned what a great job the Royal Commission are doing too.
PS can I adopt you?!!