Nanette how I despise this practise, it's another example of the witnesses complete and utter disregard for, and inability, to put individual welfare before the organization. All must be in subjection to 'the work'. It is, in fact, the antithesis of Christianity. When you realize that these individuals, legal professionals notwithstanding, have nothing to gain personally by their savage actions, it gives you an idea of the sinister power of the concept they serve.
Sometimes I believe part of the problem is those who know the systems' reticence to inform the elderly and infirm of the truth of 'the truth'. Many times on this forum you will hear folk say it is pointless and cruel to tell the elderly they have no hope and they have waisted their lives. They are also seen as the one group who are "out of bounds" for our biting cynisism and anger. I too am amoung that group. I know well an elderly diabetic lady who has started to deteriorate fast. I have never told her the truth about my past and my knowledge of the JW fraud as I did not want to worry a woman who has dedicated her life to the society. I regularly cook for her and recently have found her wandering and a little disheveled in the high street. Her family is either dead (one child and husband) or live abroad in germany and it is obvious noone at the hall is caring for her. She owns property in London and I have no doubt she has left it to wtbts. I believe they may be keeping her state under wraps as in England when an elderly person needs to be in a care home they sell their home to pay for the care. If they have no money to pay for their care THEN the state takes over. Of course all this is hard to prove conclusively. I have made the authorities aware of her condition and my concerns. I will let you know of the outcome and if I can establish anything definitively. I know this is only anacdotal evidence but its grist to the mill of your book I guess.
Again, so so sorry about your Aunt.
Love your sister D