JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
And throw a few kids off the nearest pyramid! -
Evidently ! -
the rumor again surfaces....
by sowhatnow insomeone please tell me how or if i can find proof that the rumor [that is pasted below] that was posted by a friend [still in, but should know better] on my face book page is false, [which of course we all know it is,] this makes me so angry, i have to stick my neck out and comment on this post but need something to back me up....anyone want to enlighten me where this got started?
i need proof he never said such a thing, it seems to me its false.
whats interesting is this, the bible in the photo accompanying the statement below is the latest version.... [photo].
@Caleb should't that be one NRSV in english & one Americanised 😜
PS you guys are welcome back to the fold anytime we will even teach you how to play rugby (not your football) & rounders (not baseball)!!!!!!
They don't look angry they look like they are laughing - or 'grimacing' to be more exact, like they have pooped their pants, yeeeuk kind of face. The artist is so used to painting inane JW fake smiles he can't do angry. Gods people don't look in the least perturbed- petting those lions and eating giant fruit for 1000 years has turned them into automatons.
Thanks Outlaw for putting in the pic I couldn't see it in the OP.
Anybody have any "REAL" experiences of spirit/demon activity? I'll explain.
by runForever ini know there is a lot of people on here that will say it is pure make believe but i am interested if anybody has had any real concrete things happen such as something moving or something appearing in the mirror etc.. anything just post it up here even if it wasn't much.
please give a little context as to the situation..
Islandman Thank you for your video posts really enjoyed them,very informative. -
To babtize or not to babtize, that is the question.
by username ini just had a look over at the pro jw forum because there's always something that can have one laughing ones arse off at the rather less thought of answers.. this one had me nearly choking on my pepsi.
apparently some church had a mass babtism in a football field and this was one of the replies..... ....who would even want to baptize in a football field?.
Username What site was it please? -
Education is 'HARD', first test after 27 years
by The Marvster inwell, in an effort to completely rebel against all things 'watchtower', i decided that since i gave all my years since leaving school to the borg, and listened to their admonition to avoid 'higher education' i have just started... right from bottom.... today i took a 2 hour maths test to see if i would be eligible to go on a course to re-take my gcse maths exam (this is the qualification you study for here in england in the last 2 years of compulsory schooling from ages 14-16).
back in may 1988 i did no revision, and didn't study hence a complete flop of all exams.... and seeing that 'education' wasn't on the agenda back then, and has always been warned against, (unless it was perhaps trade oriented) it was wiped from my mind... yep a jw mind-wipe occurred here, i've decided to go back to school, just for the challenge of it, f**k the org, i might have wasted decades swallowing their philosophy, but i don't have to let that past control me now... the test was 'really' hard going... and i don't think i passed, but can still get on a more basic course to start me off if i don't get on the main course.... the tutors were so warm and enthusiastic about me taking up the study at aged 43, it was so nice to hear someone get excited that i'm going to study (never in 29 years with the borg) .
i've also learned something else; jw's talk about the 'highest education' that the watchtower supposedly teaches... bullshit, that 'call and response' crap that you do in watchtower study and other meetings, that parroting, has got to be the lowest form of education there is, you don't use your brain, you don't have to analyse or think or deduce or calculate, or use savvy... it's just call and response, and nothing more, pure repetition, answer what's in the paragraph.
Have to say an oi oi to Cantleave I too took proper exams!!
Unfortunately, despite passing my 'o' levels I did not continue school although I guess I was one of the lucky ones and did attend nursing school at the Royal Free, which was barely acceptable being considered the equivalent of a trade. Despite my JW religous veiws I did want to work for an NGO like medcines sans frontier and do good worldly AND spiritual work.
Fast forward 20 years I went to the Open University, BRITAINS NATIONAL TREASURE , the philosophy module I completed was the best thing I ever did. It fully enabled my critical thinking faculties to flourish & taught me to evaluate claims in a logical way. Without it I would never have fully apreciated ttatt. The sheer arogance of the WT popes to assume that folk that have spent lifetimes studying scriptures, greek, hebrew, Judaic studies etc know nothing and whose work can be brushed aside is astounding. Only after studying a little myself did I fully appreciate this.
Marvster I highly recommend you go for a course there as you do not need GCSE's as a mature student.
If she doesn't comply an orange jumpsuit is in her future
by DJS inscotus: kentucky clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses.
by ariane de vogue, cnn supreme court reporter.
updated 8:02 pm et, mon august 31, 2015. let's hope this is the final screech from the haters who wrap themselves in the bible - or their egoist political philosophy i doubt it will be, but let's hope..
Hello, this is racism! This is what black folks have been trying to tell white Americans about for years! This is what it's like to be judged unfairly because you are black.
Oh boy great teacher if you click the link that Z guy put up Obama is not just gay but a drug addict AND a muslim radical just because he visited Pakistan with his college room-mate!!!! Its just risable, these people cannot be taken seriously, I am just surprised they don't add "and your mum is fat and your dad eats poo"My nine year olds wouldn't fall for such name calling rubbish. I cannot believe these people are adults.
Oprah winfrey once said that racism will die off when these old bigots die off, or something to that effect. What I can say is the kids in my boys primary school know better than to be racist or even judge people for being gay (though Im not sure they fully understand what it means they know that homophobia is a big no no). So Oprah may have a point. The next generation will not tolerate prejudice of any kind thank goodness.
Wt contradiction
by poopie in7/15/2010 wt says"in more recent times opposers of true worship similarly used the threat of isolation in an effort to put fear in the hearts of true christians.
sounds a lot like shunning.
kramer3 hours ago
You have trouble writing in coherent english don't you?
Not at all, poopie is straight to the point.We love poopies posts. Poopie & brand new are our pride & joy -
Hello world !
by Mrs. Eden inwell, here i am.. hello world, mrs. eden sending regards to everyone.
my english is limited, so please go easy on me.. mrs. eden.
😉 sorry, got carried away with the romance!
Hello mrs.Eden !