Thank you for this post. we none of us are perfect & all do things at times that we feel bad about at the time or with hindsight. However as the new testament correctly points out, we cannot claim to be Christians and or decent folk if we are not kind to those closest to us - our famillies including our spouse.
How can folk spend time spreading the message of the kingdom to strangers, claiming its done out of love, if we don't practice that message of love in our personal lives. Our spouse & children in particular, with whom we will spend our lives our owed our constant devotion . Although we will constantly stumble and make mistakes the most important thing is to own our error and try to make ammends. A Christian cannot refuse Arms yet maintain a war in his own household as Russell did or commit violent acts on his children as some JW's do. Headship in this world is a licence for cruelty & domination - equality & sharing should be the watchwords for Christians and Humanists in all family relationships including that of our children - thier voices MUST be heard as of equal merit or abuse will continue.
The cruelty & lack of listening within these hierachical WT structures is apparent. What does the gobbledegook "because of the angels "mean anyway? The truth is the middle eastern bronze age onsessjon with womens hair is the reason. During the recent Parisian march against terroism , when world leaders stood at the front of the marchers linking arms, Angela Merkel - the German Chancellor - was airbrushed out in a right wing Ofthadox Jewish newspaper. Not because she was a women, but because her HAIR was uncovered.That silliness is continued in the wtbts today with its headship rules!