People don't hate themselves and commit suicide because Starbucks doesn't allow giant gauges or three earrings to be worn during business hours by employees. They don't commit suicide because Apple asks their emloyees to be neat or wear a company shirt. They don't commit suicide because Disney asks them to arrive on time and smile at children, whether or not you feel like Snow White on Monday morning.
If you want to wear three earrings, you have the freedom to leave Starbucks and work somewhere else. Your life is not affected negatively, you still have your friends and family. That is a world apart from a letter to Church officials, asking them to actively seek out and discriminate against members who look "gay."
Bang on DD, so toni the tiger has wrested control from old ex-Splaner !
That twitcherty shouldered old buzzard, whose so holier-than-thou just because nepotism saw him into the GB AND he raised 2 boys, is going to tighten the screws on the kids even more.
Like to be well groomed? Use moisterizer for your shaving rash?Like a well fitting suit in something other than taliban black? Ok, rant on dress superficial and expected.
Young man with a voice too high..,gentle manner, soft laugh? Fond of your bros giving them all hugs..oh and I forgot, handsome? Elders kids a bit jealous of the attention all the ladies give you 'cos you love to make the sisters laugh....
Time for a witchunt
Its all so bloody predictable, it would be funny if I didn't know how much misery their stupidity and ignorance causes.