DD prospective fraternity members enduring a hazing, just for the chance to be a member.
Never a truer word written!
good morning.
i was just checking out the forum and something occured to me.
jws simply cannot be christians.
DD prospective fraternity members enduring a hazing, just for the chance to be a member.
Never a truer word written!
there were always all types of speakers in the org.
myself, growing up a "witness", must have heard all types of talks, and given by all manner of speakers, especially on sundays, when almost every week we would get a "visiting" brother giving the public talk.. sometimes, you would have a "great" speaker, all fluent and animated.
other times we would get a comical speaker, one who would maybe purposelly get a few laughs outta the audience.
Edenone I gather of course their would have been children in the audience. What the heck are these idiots thinking?
I reckon witness kids know more about violence (Bible) , sex crimes (a la my book of bible stories) and generally innapropriate stuff (goofy talks) than most ordinary kids.
Ignoranceisbliss I love those kinds of totally wacky carry ons ! Makes life worth living!
When I was coming out of the religion and becoming an actual Christian, I felt a strong desire to pray to Jesus, but it felt SO scary to start. I actually asked the Father's permission first, praying that I hoped it was ok. It all seems so silly now!! And no, there's no difference between talking to Jesus and praying to Jesus.
Me too Faye, I did exactly that!
hi, Kiana! Welcome!
JW's pray to Jehovah only, the Father but END their prayers by saying "and this we/I ask in Jesus name, Amen"
As VillageIdiot said they believe Jesus is the ransome sacrifice for only 144,000 anointed persons only,the rest of JW's or the 'great crowd' are to be saved at armaggedon THROUGH ASSOCIATION ONLY with the Anointed (in reality now the Governing Body of the Society)in other words Jesus ransome sacrifice WAS NOT for the majority of JW's but for a small elite group!
JW Facts I did not know that, many thanks for the post!
my husband was recently subjected to an intervention by his parents.
i am apparently a danger to his spirituality.
after i stopped attending meetings and went apostate hubby decided to resign as a ms to spend more time with me.
It's going to be hard not to charge in but you could just stick to the lack of love & as you pointed out the controlling, willing to destroy your marriage behaviour of your respective families. As always JW facts, CofC Ray Franze , pm if u need the download as they have passed away with no kids its free now.
The Searcher on this site has really the best SCRIPTUAL quotes for those questioning from a Biblical perspective. I would seriously recommend his stuff for an unsure Christian.
Really hope this works out for you both. It stinks that the in laws where willing to split you up. You I know will be the bigger more loving one toward them as u know its their cult selves behaving in such a cruel way.
xxxxxx sister D
matthew 15:30. great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them.. whether the above story has any foundation of truth cannot be demonstrated.
and while certain people claim to have had their mobility restored in our times, the fact remains that its a very hit and miss affair.
this is a good time to be alive.
fulltimestudent I always enjoy your posts but this is great. How true. I've always thought to ask any religous people who denegrate our time "well which century would you like to live in then?"
The other thing that always mildly disgusted me was John 9.6 when jesus spits in mud, mixes it & places it on the mans eyes - I mean surely a supernatural healing would not require that un hygenic act!
All the miracles of healing folk could be cases of confusion or be faked - now if a legless man had grown new legs that would be impressive and in no way ambivelent.
just listened to patrice rushen "forget me knots"and it made me think - do you remember the excitement of going to the record shop and getting the 12 inch of your favourite tune?.
i remember halkwind 12 inch silver machine that went on forever!!
or blue monday in the 80's depech mode.
Shirley Singles are 7 inches, albums are 12 inches but if you liked a record that was a single you bought the extended 12 inch version, all record aficionados worth their salt will have a decent collection of 12 inch singles.
Of course you could also get EP'S which were 12 inch records with maybe 2 or 3 tracks on each side but that you played at 45 rpm like a single, big with punk bands
Having said that it was also a smutty juvenile joke too😀
Giordano LOL sounds like the sort of gal I was mates with!
DHH Love that coloured vinyl!
WIFI B will do😃
just listened to patrice rushen "forget me knots"and it made me think - do you remember the excitement of going to the record shop and getting the 12 inch of your favourite tune?.
i remember halkwind 12 inch silver machine that went on forever!!
or blue monday in the 80's depech mode.
Stanlivedeath LoL wow, do you still have it?
Morpheus Aha!I have that to look forward to then, my twins are 10 so they just have their first spotify account!
And yes, I forgot to say to mention the all time best prezzie you could give anyone - their very own lovingly prepared mix tape! btw I am mid 40's but an early music lover!
Finky baby Yes, many people enjoy the analogue feel of some types of track but I definately know what you mean about sound quality! Some old mix tapes I cannot listen to anymore😣😢
I think tho one of the pleasures (sometimes!)was listening to tracks you wouldn't normally buy but grow to love - i guess you can do that with spotify too!
just listened to patrice rushen "forget me knots"and it made me think - do you remember the excitement of going to the record shop and getting the 12 inch of your favourite tune?.
i remember halkwind 12 inch silver machine that went on forever!!
or blue monday in the 80's depech mode.
Just listened to Patrice Rushen "Forget me knots"and it made me think - Do you remember the excitement of going to the record shop and getting the 12 inch of your favourite tune?
I remember Halkwind 12 inch Silver machine that went on forever!! Or Blue monday in the 80's depech mode
Or the fantastic gate fold cover albums of the 70's and 80's??
I mean in what way is a download a pleasure anymore for the kids? No rushing to the record store with your hard won wages or pocket money?Dashing home, unwrapping it and inviting your friends over to listen, poring over the art work okn the cover or - even better, the lyrics on the back, spending breaks at school singing the lyrics from ALL the songs on your favourite album.
I mean, the first thing you showed a new friend (boyfriend, girlfriendtoo)was your pride & joy record collection.
What do the kids do now, give their mates a list? Ok, spotify playlists you can share but I still say its not the same!!!
in my dream a while ago, the wt had already started "encouraging" everyone to contribute 30. either it meant at least 30 hours of "preaching" or 30% tithe.
the next scene is when we all stood up for the opening song at the kh, and lo and behold - the opening lyrics went on like (this is vague but you'll understand the context anyway):.
what a privilege it is to serve the kingdom.
Like the song Hotel California, "You can check any time you want, but you can never leave".
Thats the anthem of NA & AA - funny being a dub has so many similarities, religous addiction, cult addiction
Had the naked at KH dreams, dreamt I was having sex with a bookstudy too
do the lottery.
celebrate my child's birthday.
sign workmates birthday cards.
Dunedin sir, "pissed up" means these gentlemen have partaken in far too many alcoholic beveridges
Brahms & Liszt
Shit-faced (oh hng on that might be American)
Tanked up
Hope that clears it up for you, I'm just off to get pished (Irish ,don't start me on THAT list!)