He was slow not due to being lazy but he was very old in his 80s. It was a pity job.
This is why we need a decent charity for cult victims. I can’t tell you how angry that makes me.
Now THAT makes me want to throw a bucket of cold water over those fat cat Watchtower lawyers Who you can BET are getting the full worldly salary for the hours and HOURS of useless stalling and generally appalling law advice they over charge watchtower for.
The JW accountants that are paid top dollar to squeeze every penny out of the government in aid and grants ie for printing literature in obscure native languages etc
Not to mention the JW big business men. “brothers” who get the big watchtower contracts, FULLY knowing its bullshit, but financially on to such a good little earner they’d never leave.
People often ask, “but who really stands to gain” and apart from governing body (and governing body helper) adulation, the aforementioned are the real JW financial winners.
And not one of those bastards would give that old brother so much as a sniff off of their turd😩 Just as if it were - oh, I don’t know - a business