Please don’t take it personally Rules. You have a full and busy life. A beautiful life. Rich is empty. He’s dying and he knows it. No family of his own, few friends (I imagine) and, to be frank, he’s needy and he’s becoming bitter. Basically he’s acting like he’s in a co dependent relationship with you. Except you don’t seem to be co dependent with him!!!!! Good! Now I think it’s about time your brother knew about his friends condition. Too bad if he doesn’t want your brother to know. He shouldn’t have told you if he didn’t want him to know!!! He’s playing a mean game whereby he’s hoping your brother will find out when It’s too late and be wracked with guilt.
All this makes him sound like a royal pain in the ass, right? But he must have been fun once upon a time, yes? I really think you should wait a bit, calm down and if and when he apologizes to you accept the apology and make it a condition that he tells your brother, tries to make up with him and starts to take a long hard look at himself and where he’s going. Maybe get therapy? Get some professional care so he doesn’t have to rely on one person....otherwise he’ll die alone, and he doesn’t really want that.
I think he’s very, very frightened Rules. He’s pushing everyone away. I’ve seen it before and it’s very sad.
PS you’re a good man😉