I guess when Trump declassifies the JFK files as he walks out the door the world will know.
Has he said he’ll do that?? Wow how to make yourself super popular with the proletariat in one fell swoop!
or do you think the idea of a deep state is malarkey?
I guess when Trump declassifies the JFK files as he walks out the door the world will know.
Has he said he’ll do that?? Wow how to make yourself super popular with the proletariat in one fell swoop!
a comment on another thread cracked me up where the poster related what some elder said on the platform that: .
in the new system, we likely will not have genitals.” lol.
i’ve heard so much speculation from many jw’s on what will and won’t be allowed in the new system.
Davros- No gentials in that new world. How I 'm Going to hang my sign for a mate with no wedding tackle
I think they confuse who their Bible is supposedly written for, the scripture that says they will be neither male nor female is speaking about heaven. In other words it’s not meant for them.
The Witnesses I was most close to tended to have joined in the 70s and envisaged travelling slowly around the world, getting to know everyone. Spending eternity writing new books, learning to play instruments, learning to paint, learning every known language etc etc.
Its really quite sad since much of those hobby type activities can be done now. And for the more challenging things like learning Ancient Greek or some such they are sacrificing college to work for watchtower, again possible now if witnesses were not enslaved to a cult.
guess that is the sort of person being attracted to the truth these days!.
He’s been baptised. He is a witness. The reporter typically didn’t understand the difference between paradise and heaven. Sutcliffe means that there will be a resurrection for the “righteous and the unrighteousness”. The doltish reporter assumes that means heaven.
and no more minors in judicial hearing?.
And no more minors in judicial hearing?
Really? Are you sure it’s no more unaccompanied minors in judicial hearings?? Otherwise there’d be no way of disfellowshipping minors (and we can’t have that, now, can we?!)
It would be good if it were true, though.
is that the ultimate for anyone going to heaven?.
🤣🤣😂😂 A HAIRY white male, to boot!! ( albeit with a well kempt Hipster beard!!)
just going by the topic titles you've been using these last few weeks.. do you think you can survive a whole four years with someone that's not exactly your favorite candidate?.
i know i'm in the minority from what i've been reading here, but i'm glad for the change!.
well, we all can't be satisfied altogether can we?.
I think some kind of NHS would be great, but, again, I'm just concerned about all those who don't deserve it benefitting by it. And the money still has to come from people who
Thank you Magnum for explaining something that we in Britain find hard to understand. Do you not think everyone deserves medical care? Wherever they are from?
Im a determinist. I believe we don’t have free will.
Many things that you feel make people deemed ‘worthy’ of govt intervention - such as medical care, unemployment benefit etc etc - seem to be things such as ability to thrive via work or study, being an English speaker, integrating into a Northern European style culture etc I believe are mostly accident of birth. Yes, even ability to work hard is something that comes via either upbringing or DNA....in the same way musical ability is or sporting ability. When you realise that we, none of us, are in our relative situations in life from purely our own efforts you will see that either no one - or everyone - is deserving of medical care etc etc
just going by the topic titles you've been using these last few weeks.. do you think you can survive a whole four years with someone that's not exactly your favorite candidate?.
i know i'm in the minority from what i've been reading here, but i'm glad for the change!.
well, we all can't be satisfied altogether can we?.
Actually mean Mr. M reminded me of something.
My husband said this morning “I don’t give a rats ass who won as long as they do something about climate change”. I believe Biden is going to re-join the G7? I really think Trump let himself down by not moving on climate change issues. At the end of the day, right now, it’s all that really matters.
the watchtower and awake have been listed as the most popular magazines.the figures are astonishing.
i am not sure whether it is based on reality or not.. source: https://tingtopten.com/2020/01/top-10-most-popular-magazines-in-the-world/.
i have seen the link on many social media networks.
The article says the list is "based on their circulation and popularity." Circulation for Watchtower and Awake includes all the many thousands that are not placed in the field and that end up stacked up in JWs' homes, the many thousands that are placed, but, never read and that end up in the trash, and the many thousands that JWs get, but, don't themselves read... also, the stacks that are left at laundromats, those left under doormats at not-at-homes, etc.
The sad thing is that if it was a bunch of mags that were counted by the number that wholesalers buy, but that never get sold to the public, JWs would say “How silly those magazines aren’t popular, none are sold!” Yet that is exactly what is happening to the Awakes....Jehovah’s witnesses are like the wholesalers who buy in bulk but can’t sell them on! They are being duped! They think because no one person or company is making a profit from them it doesn’t mean Watchtower Bible and Tract of Pennsylvania inc. isn’t getting $tinking rich!
who wins?
who loses?
president/ senate/ house of representatives .
With every passing election I find myself leaning more and more to the concept of sortition. Better to be ruled by random people picked from a phone book...
sortition? That’s a new word for me! As in The Sorting Hat???
the court of justice of the european union (cjeu) yesterday delivered the judgment (press release) on a request of the supreme court of latvia on whether domestic authorities are obliged to reimburse costs of cross-border medical treatment when the patient's decision to perform it in another european country was based on religious, not medical, grounds.
the opinion of advocate general (summarized here) is helpful in understanding the case.. the son of the applicant in the main proceedings had to have open heart surgery.
that operation was available in the latter’s member state of affiliation, latvia, but could not be carried out without a blood transfusion.
Thank you.
Regardless of Watchtower nonsense if there is the possibility of a patient getting treatment out of States/s and said States have reciprocal's, patient's absolutely should receive it.