FFGhost I just wanted to “hear hear!” from all the way in the back.
It turns my stomach that they had the nerve to replace “love kindness” with “cherish loyalty”.
Watchtower is about as subtle as a brick😒
so many changes in the 2013 nwt seem needless and spoil familiar phrases.
take isaiah 41:10 in the nwt classic rendering:.
do not be afraid, for i am with you.
FFGhost I just wanted to “hear hear!” from all the way in the back.
It turns my stomach that they had the nerve to replace “love kindness” with “cherish loyalty”.
Watchtower is about as subtle as a brick😒
it looks like it can happen again and i suspect if it does happen, the senate will not convict either because they can’t convict him since it’s after his presidency or simply because they don’t have sufficient votes..
Just to say the fact they wish to impeach after his presidency is not relevant.
Its not a criminal trial...the point is to decide whether he will have the right to hold office again. The constitution makes no mention of the timing of an impeachment and subsequent trial This makes sense because it takes time to accrue evidence and an office holder could commit “treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanours” in his last few days in office, for example, thus escaping justice by simply resigning the day before the trial (or even during).
Once he has left office a president is also no ordinary citizen, either. He remains an ex-president, is addressed as a president and is entitled to the benefits, financial and otherwise, of that office for the rest of his life. This includes the right to certain security briefings etc. Then there is precedent. Congress has begun impeachment trials on officials who left office on three separate occasions. Just because these men were not presidents is irrelevant, since there is only one impeachment clause that every official is subject to.
whether the facts are such that Trump should be subject to impeachment is another matter but that President Trump has left office does not mean he is no longer subject to conviction.
so being around this cult, i always found it interesting that the rest of christianity use ad/bc and the non christians use bce/ce.
i never put two and two together.
but, it dawned on me that once again there is hidden proof that the witness cult is and anti-christ cult.
The reason Christian scholars started to say Jesus was born in 4 C.E., (or BC), is because it would make a nonsense of his early life if they didn't. In particular the "slaughter of the innocents" and the flight to Egypt, because King Herod was dead by 1 C.E. when it would have taken place (or thereabouts).
a picture in this week's wt shows the annointed after being raised to heaven, when they start "smashing the nations".
i imagine am3 is out front, it seems like something he's eager for.
Again With the Kenny Rogers clones??!!!
do any jehovah`s witnesses or ex jehovah`s witnesses even know what that sin is ?.
why is such a statement in the bible if its not identified what that sin is ?.
were the authors of the book just playing with peoples heads ?
No body really knows....except it’s something you can do against the Holy Spirit.
If it’s so grievous a sin....why didn’t the Bible writers make it clearer exactly what it involves???🤷🏻♀️
Edit: I do tend to think @truthBknown is probably the closest answer.
Of course the cynic in me thinks the writers purposely obfuscated, to make it any sin your priests/elder/superior deems it to be, at the time, if you get on the wrong side of them😒
the watchtower teaches that the opportunity to be born again and enjoy complete justification with god ended in 1935, having been limited to only 144k since pentecost.
so, it is very surprising that the watchtower embraces the death that is described in romans chapter 6, since this is the very death that is required to be born again…… which is denied to watchtower members!
romans chapter 6, verse 7 is about saying goodbye to the old personality, the “old man” in the king james version.
Unbelievably, wt here contradicts "Jesus" who emphatically stated, that this generation (of wt's anointed of 1914) will n-o-t pass away until all these things have occurred,
If I know watchtower they’ll say “it means until all these types (anti types?🤣)of things have occurred, not literally all !!!
2 centenarians overlapping by 20 years: 2x100 = 200 - 40 = 160 years +1914 = 2074
one year to 1975 + 100. not just a proposal, a prophecy by wtbts. inc.
They’ll also say re: 2075 “we were right!! Just out 100 years....understandable” [shrugs shoulders]
wasn't ct russell an apostate seventh day adventist?.
Because a triangle told him so.....
the watchtower teaches that the opportunity to be born again and enjoy complete justification with god ended in 1935, having been limited to only 144k since pentecost.
so, it is very surprising that the watchtower embraces the death that is described in romans chapter 6, since this is the very death that is required to be born again…… which is denied to watchtower members!
romans chapter 6, verse 7 is about saying goodbye to the old personality, the “old man” in the king james version.
Good points Sea Breeze
I had discussion elsewhere with someone I think holds on to some doctrinal JW beliefs. It was around suicide and Watchtower (he left due to lack of love and his disapproval of shunning, which is absolutely understandable).
I (and some other ex JWs) said that many JWs , especially the DF, think that suicide prior to Armageddon is the safest option to ensure they gain the paradise. That getting into paradise may be time-sensitive, may be contingent on when you die. In other words those that die even 5 minutes before Armageddon will gain paradise, whereas being alive during Armageddon you are at least taking a chance that you will be killed if god deems you not to be a good enough witness.
This chap said that Christendom’s doctrine is worse in that regard, in fact hypocritical, since if they’re going to heaven surely it makes more sense to kill yourself now and go straight there?*
I think your points drive our idea home far better. That for witnesses, death = justification since by dying you’re all square with your sin debt. In fact that is the reason that drives many despairing witnesses to feel safer in death.
*since the Bible doesn’t actually pass judgement on suicide.
lloyd evans has just tweeted a video he will be releasing soon on the "change" to the meaning of the sheep and goats and when that is to occur.. i've missed any discussion on that on here or anywhere?
it seems it was part of the 2020 annual meeting the gb had?.
any info on this?.
More like shits and gits
The Governing Body get off on judging people
this is probably an oldie.
buy a bible, never read it- you're probably a catholic.
buy a bible, read only the parts you find interesting - you're probably an evangelist.
Buy a Bible, close your eyes, open the Bible randomly and point to a verse👇🏼......you’re probably a confused young Jehovah’s Witness looking for answers from Jehovah that never come!🤣🤣😂