Jo large part, it is religious zeal that is fuelling Israels claim to the land. They believe they are chosen by God and the land is their birthright.No one can deny that ultra Othodox Jewish squatters are exacerbating the problem. However whatever the rights and wrongs of how anyone came to live where they currently do, the fact is they do, and firing rockets at civilians is not going to solve anything. There’s no doubt the Israelis feel as if there backs are against the wall and even as non religious secular Jews, where else can they go? Europe and America can’t be trusted after what happened in WW2. Without question the Jews need their own homeland.
Anon Israel won all those warsThat has no bearing on the moral rights and wrongs of the situation.
Anon You are free to live in Israel as an Arab, there is no religious suppression there,
in theory.
“situation of the Bedouin may be the most poignant, especially since they have lived in Israel’s Negev since long before the state was founded. They have Israeli citizenship, but their nomadic way of life has not blended easily with the norms of a modern state. Although the ancestral lands to which they claim ownership amount to less than 5% of the Negev, many in Israel oppose granting the Bedouin rights to these lands, on which they have dwelt for centuries. Alternatively, they seek to settle them into a few pre-designed townships. Their citizenship is unquestionably second class, especially when one compares their claims to land with those of Jewish settlers, who have established illegal outposts in the West Bank that frequently gain official sanction after the fact.“ Daniel Sokatch New Israel Fund