Watch this, and don’t shoot the messenger...

by DATA-DOG 70 Replies latest social current


    Hopefully I’m doing this right and it will display for you.
    This is an interview with Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer. Of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will NEVER be allowed on Social Media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
    I sincerely hope you find this helpful and informative as I did when it was sent to me.
    Many other Scientists have also been banned, censored, cancelled, whatever you want to call it. These aren’t tin-foil hat wearing Flat-earthers trying to contact the Halebop comet with a Speak-n-spell and an umbrella, these are real Scientists.
    I challenge you to listen objectively with an open mind, and if you take issue with what he says, don’t tell me, email him. Also, don’t immediately discount it simply based on where it has been posted. Many of us have been branded as “mentally diseased apostates” by groups with a vested interest is keeping us quiet, so we should at least be able to remain objective.


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    If you know how to make the video play here, please feel free. I am not ver tech savvy. I have taken apart a Sega Saturn and installed a mod-chip, but that’s about it..

    DD 🎮

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  • pistolpete

    The lock down was all planned.

    It was a testing model for the government and corporations to see how far they can flex their power over the masses.

    Now they know they can easily control the ignorant masses with the help of social media, news media, fraud scientist and University professors, and the politicians who want control.

    Fear the future because this is just the beginning. It probably will not be another virus but something else that causes fear, like a war perhaps.

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  • Rocketman123

    OK I watched the video and some things popped up in question.

    Lets assume people didn't have any social restrictions whatsoever and didn't wear masks.

    Would the virus then not spread to a greater portion of the population infecting more people resulting in causing more deaths. ?

    Some countries did that and over time found it was a mistake and reverted to social restrictions and mask wearing .... ie. the US and Sweden

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    That’s a good question. I’m just guessing here but the answer could depend on:

    1) Are the countries you are referring to accurately reporting figures? Are they counting non-Covid deaths as Covid deaths, ect?

    2) Taking into account that the virus is more infectious but less deadly on average than Influeza which he spoke about.

    So, just because it’s infecting more people, assuming the PCR testing is accurate, that doesn’t mean more people are going to die without masking and social distancing. We do know that many, many people died from suicide due to lockdowns in developed countries, and I’m sure many, many, many more have died in 3rd world nations as a direct result of the lockdowns and malnutrition, ect.

    I don’t have figures on the above examples, as I’m just thinking out loud here.

    Maybe these are questions that Michael Yeadon can answer?


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  • pistolpete

    Would the virus then not spread to a greater portion of the population infecting more people resulting in causing more deaths. ?

    He said that people with some type of underling health problem regardless of age, even if young, - and the older a person gets, I believe he said 70 plus, the more at risk those persons were to die if he/she got covid. So for those persons, yes they are at high risk.They needed to isolate themselves until the vaccine was available.

    They would then have to be diligent about isolating themselves from everyone and make arrangement for food, and etc.

    For the population that is young and healthy, there was no need to lock down the entire economy until a vaccine was developed because they were not at risk of dying if they caught the Covid Virus. Discretion was needed by the young people living with old family members. Meaning that it would be wise for young members working and exposed to the virus to move away from their old family members to prevent infecting them, at least till the vaccine was available.

    Covid deaths could have been migated much more wisely than killing the economy world wide.

    It was either incompetence, or some hidden agenda, or just plain fear mongering that got out of control.

    We know how powerful fear mongering is by considering the 8 million jws that are terrified of the coming Great Tribulation - Armageddon.

    It works the same way with non-jws.

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  • Rocketman123

    Are the countries you are referring to accurately reporting figures? Are they counting non-Covid deaths as Covid deaths, ect?

    I think the US for example would have pretty accurate data on the amount with a relatively good percentage toward accuracy. Sweden as well.

    I believe he said 70 plus, the more at risk those persons were to die if he/she got covid

    True but did you know now that the majority of people who are getting the virus of the new variants are in the 20 to 40 age group and there are dying closely in numbers to the higher age group ?

    I overheard of conversation not long ago in a coffee shop where a guy in his 30's stated how pissed off he was about these restrictions and he thought they should just let the elderly die off because well they are going to die soon anyways

    With the summer coming up and populations getting vaccinated we should see a dramatic drop in cases by July, well at least in North America and social restrictions lifted soon after.

  • pistolpete

    True but did you know now that the majority of people who are getting the virus of the new variants are in the 20 to 40 age group and there are dying closely in numbers to the higher age group ?

    I've heard several in their 20s dying of Covid, but because they were not aware that they had an underling health problem. Several in my area that died young were not aware they had hypertension, heart problems, kidney problems, etc.

    The problem with being young is that most young people don't get a yearly checkup because -------they are young and think they are invincible. In the USA especially, there are a lot of young ones that are obese because of the abundance of fast food. But because they are young, they believe obesity is not a problem for young ones.

    I personally haven't heard of young ones that are dying of the new variants

    I overheard of conversation not long ago in a coffee shop where a guy in his 30's stated how pissed off he was about these restrictions and he thought they should just let the elderly die off because well they are going to die soon anyways

    Be glad he is not the President of the USA or whatever Country you live in.
  • Rocketman123

    But it has to noted that these young people that are getting the virus and some even dying and they didn't have any background health issues.

    So what do you do as health official ?

    This scientist who said the lock downs and masks are redundant and useless seams a bit disingenuous and not taking into consideration among other things the higher contagious variants and what governments are actually dealing with.

    I suppose if governments didn't impose these social restrictions and people started to get sick and die in high numbers, people would be bitching about that as well.

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  • Brock Talon
    Brock Talon

    "Frighten everyone to death in order to control them..." Well said, Dr. Yeadon.

    Why is this not easily apparent to absolutely every single person with a mind of their own, basic observation capabilities and simple thinking ability? I have already ranted on this site many times about this subject and I have ranted about this to my family and trusted close friends as well. It was all I could do to get people to think for themselves rather than follow our corrupt and/or stupid government leaders (mostly the Lefty politicians, but certainly with a weak response from the Right) corrupt scientists and medical professionals (Dr. Fauci, anyone?) and corrupt media (CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

    It was a pleasure to listen to him verify every single one of my suspicions about this COVID 19 nonsense we have all been going through, and even bring up things I had not considered. My favorite quote: "COVID is slightly worse than the flu (but not by much) for those who are elderly or sick, but much less risky than the flu for those who are young and fit." THANK YOU DOCTOR! This is what I have been saying for about a year now, while anyone who listened looked at me like I had two heads.

    Please people, download this video and email or text it to all the people you care about. Don't just point to it on the website; the corrupt powers that be could disappear it at any time. Corrupt media could help.

    We need to have copies of this video to debunk the outrageous way our society has been duped and hijacked.

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