The Canadian branch lawyer for Watchtower, David Gnam, lying in court when asked if Watchtower breaks up families through shunning.
Gnam stated "we don't call it shunning, we call it disfellowship or disfellowshipping" and "normal family relationships continue with the exception of spiritual fellowship".
Gnam was obviously refering to a husband and wife or minor children living together under the same roof. These are the only very specific situations in which (normally,) a disfellowshipped person will not be fully shunned (although we all know cases were they have). Other family members - mother's, father's, son's, daughters, sisters, brothers, grandparents, grandchildren, nieces, cousins and even minor kids not living with a parent, will all be shunned.
Gnam fully knew he was misleading the court and this was spiritual warfare